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Dark, Taboo, BDSM, and Menage

About/Mission Statement

Kimmers' Erotic Book Banter was founded in 2015 by Kimmers, an avid reader who just wanted to share her passion for authors and books with fellow readers.
Since that time we have grown to 7 Contributor's and have served more than 15 publisher's as well as over 130 authors.
Our mission at Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter blog is simple: We want to bring authors and readers together…. Through mutual respect!
The overwhelming majority of authors we have had the pleasure of working with say the same thing, "I want to know how my book, my story, touched my readers. If I made them feel."
After all, an author puts a piece of themselves into their work. It is their thoughts, their heart - their soul!
When we offer our opinion on their work it should be respected that it is personal and therefore it should be conveyed with this in mind.
Our philosophy is that each opinion we write should be conveyed with dignity and empathy.
It has also been our experience that readers are looking for what books to read as opposed to what books not to read.
Taking all of this to heart we have determined, at this time, we will not publish any opinion less than a four heart read. Why, you ask? Because we do not feel that this provides any productive service to either party. We will however contact the author to impart upon them that we did read the book but perhaps it just was not for us.
Additionally, unless bad grammar, typos, missing words, etc. are so numerous that they impact our overall enjoyment in reading the book, we will not make mention. Why? Because we have learned there are way too many variables here. Does the onus lie upon the author, a publisher or even an editor to catch those errors? Many times there are several hands that play a part here and it is not our place to determine where the liability lies.
NOTE: Depending on the situation we may reach out to the author with a polite note of "heads up" in case they should be unaware and wish to make corrections.
In a nut shell our vision is that Kimmers' Erotic Book Banter will be your choice for a book recommendation service.
You may always be assured that we will offer our fair, unbiased and honest opinion.
Reviews will be published on the following (where applicable):
Individual Contributor Goodreads and Amazon Accounts: See their Bios for Links
Other specified locations upon request.
We here at Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter know that reviews are subjective: What we like someone else may not and vice versa. Our reviews are only our fair, unbiased and honest opinion of how the book made us feel. We certainly respect that our opinions may differ.