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Hey there…I’m Jay, a fifty-ish guy who works for corporate America by day and spends my free time with my partner, Dave, and my two grown sons. We live in upstate NY with our three cats and Dave’s mom, a retired nurse. Sounds pretty normal and boring huh?

Well, maybe not. After twenty plus years together Dave and I have recently made our union official.


I have been a reader all my life focusing primarily on murder, suspense, thrillers until I discovered M/M Romance. While I still pick up a Dean Koontz, Stephen King, or John Saul novel once in awhile I am now hooked (line and sinker) on M/M Romance. Give me a sweet courtship, some angst and lovin to get the heart pounding, and closure (preferably happy) and I am lost to the world created by the talented authors out there.


Typically after the daily chores are done, the boys and Dave are off doing their own thing, and my BFF Monika and I aren’t engaged in a texting marathon, I can be found with my nose in a book. This is my escape and how I unwind from the stress of daily life.



GENRES: Loves a good M/M and a little Ménage or Taboo.





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