Other FREE Services:
Beta Reads
Cover Reveals
Blog Tour & Book Blitz Stops
Guest Posts & More
Recommendation Service:
Erotic(a) and Contemporary
Dark, Taboo, BDSM, and Menage

Updated May 2018:
So we may better assist you please visit us at our new location: kimmerseroticbookbanter.com
Are you an author or publisher who would like to request our site offer a read review recommendation or assist with a promotional stop? If so we would love to chat with you!
Please feel free to contact us via the simple email form above and we can converse about your book, hosting a tour stop on our blog, perhaps an interview: You name it, we are happy to help! That is as long as both of our schedules align and our Contributor’s have capacity.
A Few Things to Keep In Mind:
Please do not submit an ARC until we have had the opportunity to discuss your needs.
Unless prior arrangements have been made, ARC requests will be placed for Contributor selection and may be requested based upon interest, capacity, schedule, etc.
Although we would love to fulfill every request it may not always be possible. If we do not select your submission within 30-45 days we will reach back as a courtesy. But… do not be discouraged. Although our schedules did not coincide this time please consider us again in the future.
If an ARC has been selected we will reach back to you for the eBook format appreciated, a book cover image, book blurb and details, author bio, author photo or avatar, social links, and buy links.
We do our best to post review recommendations within 30-45 days after a Contributor has selected, and we have obtained, the ARC from you. Unless of course you have arranged a release review with us.
We only post review recommendations if we can rate the experience a four or higher. See our About/Mission Statement here.
PROMOTIONAL "ASSISTANCE" (NOTE: This is exclusive to KEBB. We are not a promotional service.)
Blog Tour/Book Blitz, Cover Reveals, Guest Posts, etc. will be considered on a first come, first served basis dependent upon availability of your requested date/time frame.
If participating in a promo is agreed upon we will look to you to provide as much art as possible. Book images, meme’s, etc.
It has been our experience that when hosting promos, offering exclusive content provides mutual benefit. For example if readers have seen the cover, or read an excerpt, they won’t necessarily go to ten other blogs only to see the same content repeated. Yet if something exclusive is given at each stop it helps them get to know the book better or even you… and they are more apt to “follow the bread trail”, as we say, to the final destination: The book purchase.
See below for KEBB EXCLUSIVE promo's we offer and/or have completed in the past:
BASIC PROMO: This would entail some graphics, blurb, buy links, and your author info. Not much for you to do.
EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: An excerpt not shared anywhere else.
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: You may provide your own questions/answers or we can provide a list of questions to choose from.
CHARACTER INTERVIEW: You may come up with the questions/answers or, if we have read the book, we can provide a set of questions.
CHARACTER BIO: You provide us a list of details and attributes of your character(s) such as height, weight, eye color, hair color, occupation, hobbies, music they enjoy, etc.
EXCLUSIVE COVER REVEAL: Our blog is the only one who gets to reveal the never before seen cover.
GUEST BLOG: You are the guest. You choose a topic to discuss or we can choose one for you.
RELEASE DAY OR PRE-RELEASE REVIEW: If we have the capacity.
When a review or promo is posted we will communicate back with an e-mail including a link to the post. We will make every effort to send this to both the author and publisher where applicable.
We Currently Consider the Following LGBTQ Genres
Contemporary Romance
Young/New Adult
Preferred Formats: MOBI, ePUB (although we can convert) or Audio
All reviews are posted to our blog, associated social pages (Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Twitter and Pinterest),, various Facebook and Google groups, as well as our Contributor’s individual Goodreads and Amazon accounts. Reviews may be placed at additional specified sites upon request.
We have made a conscious decision to limit our blog affiliation (i.e. blog name and weblink) on Amazon in hopes that they will not remove the valued reviews we complete for you, the author. That is why all reviews are placed on the individual Contributor's Amazon account's. We hope that you can appreciate this gesture. You may find the Contributor Goodreads and Amazon pages here.
DISCLAIMER: Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter retains the right to remove any reviews for any reason at any time.