PRE-RELEASE REVIEW: 'Fugue' by Rick R. Reed

Title: Fugue
Author: Rick R. Reed
Published: April 8, 2017
Publisher: JMS Books LLC
Cover Art: Written Ink Designs
Genre: Erotica
Length: 40 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; BDSM; D/s; May/December; Novella; CW: Exhibitionism
About Fugue Who is the master and who is the slave? Fugue takes the brave reader into the dungeon playroom of a master and his boy. It's the kind of place where darkness skitters into corners, hiding in shadows where the walls disappear. A boy is chained to the pipes along the ceiling. Hooded, he can only experience the sensations his master delivers with his whips, fingers, tongue ... But in the boy's mind, a dream state takes him places even the master can’t imagine, places where the established pecking order is flipped upside down. As he's being whipped, tantalized, and tortured, the boy takes a mental journey on a late-night train where his adventures are even more raw and erotic than what goes on in this very dungeon. Come along for the Fugue and answer for yourself the question: who is the master and who is the slave?
Second Edition: Originally published with Amber Quill Press, 2008.


As I read I found myself thinking “What am I reading”? When I finished, yep, “What did I just read”? But the fact that I’m still pondering this book days later tells me that Reed has accomplished what he set out to do – make his readers think. One of the joyful reasons why I read.
Just as a book can take a reader to another place sex has the ability to transport our minds as well. Rick R. Reed’s Fugue is a journey in both.
While alternating between a slaves musings of the scene he is currently in to that of an elicit rendezvous, allowing the reader to be a voyeur if you will, Rick R. Reed takes you on a tantalizing voyage in a scant 40 pages.
Reed’s descriptions ensnare the full on rapture of desire. Like a pinball bouncing around the bumpers, your thoughts ricochet from one erotic scene to the next, almost as breathless as the participants.
In its telling Fugue is a wondrous story of pleasure. It’s a rare peek into the innermost thoughts of a sub. What excites them and motivates their obedience, brings them to their knees, and gives them the release they so desire….emotionally and physically.
An advanced reader copy Fugue was provided to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, by Rick R. Reed, at no cost and with no expectations in return. We offer our fair and honest opinion on behalf of our readers.

Meet the Author
Rick R. Reed is all about exploring the romantic entanglements of gay men in contemporary, realistic settings. While his stories often contain elements of suspense, mystery and the paranormal, his focus ultimately returns to the power of love.
He is the author of dozens of published novels, novellas, and short stories. He is a three-time EPIC eBook Award winner (for Caregiver, Orientation and The Blue Moon Cafe). His novel, Raining Men, won the Rainbow Award for Best Contemporary General Fiction. Lambda Literary Review has called him, "a writer that doesn't disappoint." Rick lives in Seattle with his husband and a very spoiled Boston terrier. He is forever "at work on another novel."
For more from Rick be sure and visit his website.