AUDIO REVIEW: 'Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus' by Bey Deckard

Title: Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus
Series: Baal’s Heart 3.5
Author: Bey Deckard
Narrator: Michael Ferraiuolo/Iron Works Studios
Published: December 22, 2015
Audio: August 14, 2017
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Historical Romance; Dark Erotic Romance; Adventure Romance; Historical Fantasy
Length: 1 Hour 24 Minutes/53 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; Menage; M/M/M; BDSM; D/s; Established Couple(s); Pirates; Holiday: Christmas; HFN; Audiobook; Novelette; Kink: Chastity, Orgasm Denial; CW: Off-Page Past Abuse
About Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus
A Baal's Heart short, following the events in Fated: Blood and Redemption.
Plagued by terrible dreams, Jon begins to distance himself from Baltsaros and Tom. Perhaps a little holiday cheer is just the thing to help the three of them find common ground again.

I love the idea of pirates decorating for the holiday season, hanging their stockings, snowflakes, and festive garlands. Of course in Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus they do it all with the flair only Bey Deckard can bring to a story.
Visions of sugarplums? *ahem*, well not quite...
Reeling from the after effects of his capture at the end of book three in the Baal’s Heart series, Jon has sunk into a deep depression. Hoping to bolster Jon’s spirits and pull him out of his funk, Tom and the Captain plan a little holiday celebration one can only appreciate if they’ve followed these men from the start of the series.
There’s a scene early in the story when Tom is trying to help Jon cope with his rape and torture. The intensity of his love for Jon, Tom’s utter devotion, is so beautifully written it just tugged at my heart. I’m so pleased to see these two men find such fulfillment in each other; I think Bey Deckard does an amazing job building the characters in this series, and the fact I feel so emotionally invested in their happiness is the mark of an incredible author.
Careened includes a wonderful side story about Kat and Maya expecting their first child. Kat is thrilled but overcome by feelings of jealousy at not being included in the babe’s conception. Ah, to be a fly on the wall, right? Banter between Kat and Tom is as clever as always, “‘Need a hand’?” Tom asks the one armed pirate struggling with a load of boxes. Yes, he has a death wish.
Withholding Tom’s pleasure is a recurring theme in this installment, culminating in the presentation of Baltsaros’ gift to Tom... well let’s just say it’s a gift for all three of them.
Thankfully this little gem goes a long way in restoring the balance in their relationship.
Michael Ferraiuolo does an excellent job infusing Jon’s voice with his emotions. The angst over the after effects of his rape, his frustration with his sad little gift for Tom, and especially projecting the passion that Tom always manages to rise in Jon.
The Variety Ferraiuolo finds in his voices is always excellent, but I found his insight into Jon’s character particularly wonderful in this book.
Careened is an absolute pleasure and I can’t wait for more stories of my favorite pirates.
An audiobook of Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus was provided to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, by Bey Deckard, at no cost and with no expectations in return. We offer our fair and honest opinion on behalf of our readers.

Meet the Author
Artist, Writer, Dog Lover
Born and raised in a small coastal town in northern Québec, Bey spent his early summers on his uncle’s boat and running wild on the beaches of the surrounding islands, lighting fires and building huts out of driftwood and fishermen’s nets. As an adult, he eventually made his way to university and earned a degree in Art History with a strong focus on Anthropology. Primarily a portrait painter and graphic artist, Bey sat down one day and decided to start writing.
Bey currently lives in the wilds of Montréal with his best buddy, a ridiculous, spotty pit bull named Murphy.
For more from by Bey be sure and visit his website.
#Trio #CareenedWinterSolsticeinMadierus #BaalsHeartSeries #BeyDeckard #MichaelFerraiuolo #HistoricalRomance #DarkEroticRomance #AdventureRomance #HistoricalFantasy #Gay #MM #MenageMMM #MMM #BDSMMMM #Ds #EstablishedCouple #Pirates #Holiday #HFN #Audiobook #Novelette #Kink #Chastity #OrgasmDenial #SexualAbuse