GUEST POST with EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Deanna Wadsworth of 'La Famiglia'

Thanks to Kimmers' Erotic Book Banter for hosting me to celebrate my recent release La Famiglia, A Men of Gilead Novel. I brought along an exclusive, sexy excerpt for you readers that showcases the emotion, the humor, and some of the issues my two heroes Kyle and Forrester share.

Title: La Famiglia
Series: Men of Gilead #2
Author: Deanna Wadsworth
Published: January 23, 2018
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Anne Cain
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Erotic Romance
Length: 324 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; Coming Out; Animals: Dog; Humor; Deaf; Family Drama; Geek/Nerd; Lawyer; OFY; HFN; Standalone
NOTE: There are tags and content warning we chose not to disclose for sake of story arc.
About La Famiglia
Forrester Giordano comes from a huge, nosy Italian family, and with their homophobic jokes and slurs, he’s decided to stay in the closet. He finds respite in his bookstore in the quaint village of Gilead—where he has a huge crush on one of his customers, Kyle Benson.
Kyle is determined to live his dreams, and though life isn’t easy being deaf, one by one he’s making them come true. He’s scored a great job practicing law, bought a cute bungalow where he can finally have a big flower garden, and he has a dog he loves, Jasper. Now he just needs one thing to complete his happiness: a family of his own to make up for the one he never had.
Forrester and Kyle’s relationship starts off hot and heavy, and neither man can deny the depth of their connection. When Forrester’s little brother gets mixed up with their heroin-dealing cousin and his mother falls ill, Forrester has a decision to make—maybe the hardest of his life. For the first time, he’s found a man worth coming out for.
Unfortunately nothing ever goes according to plan with la famiglia.

It didn’t take long for the game to be forgotten after the Brewers took the lead and the bottle of Riesling had been drained. Hands began to wander, and it became apparent Forrester’s mind traveled the same path as Kyle’s.
Rubbing the flat of his hands up and down Forrester’s back, Kyle slowly caressed down to his hips and the tops of his thighs. A shimmer of desire grew at the base of Kyle’s spine.
“C’mere.” Forrester pressed their groins together. Kyle shivered as Forrester’s lightly calloused palms glided over his arms.
Forrester’s scent washed over Kyle—woodsy, musky, and male. The steeliness of that long body surrounding him, the heat and erotic sensation of hands roaming over his chest made Kyle’s dick lengthen, filling. Following Forrester’s lead, Kyle caressed and traced the definition of Forrester’s chest too. Kyle couldn’t get enough of touching his warm skin, the slight scratch of hair on his arms.
His mouth watered to taste him again.
Forrester’s brown eyes filled with admiration as he circled one of Kyle’s pecs through his shirt. “Jesus Mary and Joseph, you must work out, like, all the time.”
Squirming from the sensation, Kyle chuckled. “An hour and a half every day.”
“That’s a lot.”
“I sit on my butt all day long in an office. I gotta do something to stay in shape.”
Forrester reached down to grip his ass, and Kyle gasped. God, he loved how those big hands practically covered both of his cheeks. The overwhelming desire for Forrester to be inside him, the primal need for it, took him by surprise.
No, too soon, too soon.
His face dreamy, Forrester squeezed, pulling Kyle open a little bit and making him tremble. “Well, whatever you’re doing is keeping this ass in spectacular shape. I can’t wait to fuck it.”
“Um,” Kyle began, unsure how to tell Forrester no when his body was suddenly shouting yes.
“What’s that look?” Forrester studied him. “You don’t bottom?”
“I do sometimes,” he assured him, stroking his chest. Just keep it simple. “It’s been a while, that’s all.”
“Fine, then you can fuck me.” Forrester shrugged and released Kyle’s ass.
No, touch me like that again, Kyle almost pleaded.
As Forrester kissed his neck, Kyle closed his eyes and a wash of wonderful but forgotten memories assaulted him. He used to love bottoming, that feeling of being whole. Sharing that delicious moment, gazing into his lover’s eyes when his hard cock slid inside him.
But that pleasure had been stolen from Kyle, ripped away with thoughtless cruelty.
So why did Forrester’s kisses and gentle touch make Kyle feel like maybe he could reclaim that part of his life?
“You’re so hot,” Forrester whispered, drawing his attention away from emotional needs that might never be filled. When Forrester stroked his nipples, Kyle was fully invested once more.
When he pinched, Kyle let out a cry and Forrester grinned.
He loved to have his nipples played with.
“Like that?” Forrester whispered, his eyes lust-drunk.
Kyle nodded, pulling Forrester in for another mind-blowing kiss.
It’s been too long since I’ve had any of this.
Never breaking the kiss, Forrester toyed with his nipples, pinching and pulling, and making Kyle’s dick harder. He concentrated on the warmth of the man in his arms. The lingering taste of wine in his mouth and the faint flavor of his burger were absolutely delicious. Kyle savored the sweet wetness of Forrester’s kisses, the way Forrester sucked his tongue.
When Forrester ran his tongue across Kyle’s chin before he nuzzled their noses, Kyle shuddered, panting for more. Forrester licked the entire circumference of his mouth slowly, languidly. Kissing his cheek, then his lips. After one last squeeze of Kyle’s nipples, Forrester coiled his fingers in Kyle’s hair, bumping his processor.
“You gonna wear this?” Forrester asked, gently touching the device.
Kyle flinched, a rush of heat working up the back of his neck. In less than a heartbeat, images of bodies and hands flashed through his mind. His pulse quickened, and all those hopeful yearnings for salvation in Forrester’s arms were dashed.
“Sorry,” Forrester said at the panic on Kyle’s face. “I just don’t wanna damage it.”
“I just took it for safekeeping,” John insisted. “You didn’t mind. You wanted it—”
No, no! Don’t think of John.
You’re with Forrester.
Forcing a smile, Kyle let out a shaky breath and fixed his gaze solidly on Forrester’s face. The open honesty in his expression eased Kyle’s heart rate, helping him push away old memories. Despite his body’s reaction earlier, Kyle didn’t trust those memories not to betray him in the heat of the moment.
That might be hard to explain.
When Forrester still studied him, Kyle hastened to respond the best he could without killing the mood. “It’ll be easier to keep it in until we get used to each other.”
“I like the sound of getting used to you.” Forrester ran a languid hand down his chest. “Learning you.”
Feeling a little disingenuous, Kyle forced those unwanted fears from his mind as Forrester kissed him again. Kyle concentrated on those lips and the physical indulgence of being in a man’s arms.
You’re here, with Forrester. Just stay here, with him….
With a groan, Forrester nibbled along Kyle’s jaw, up his hairline, ending his sensual journey with another slow, deep kiss. Kyle let his mouth hang open so Forrester could do what he wanted. It had been ages since he kissed anyone like this. Slow and wet, both taking their time and learning the feel of the other’s mouth.
Yes, this was why he’d invited Forrester over.
For the decadent pleasure of touch.
A cheer sounded on the TV behind them. He wanted to turn it off, focus all his attention on Forrester, but that would require stepping out of his arms to reach the remote.
“Mmm,” Forrester purred into his right ear. “Kissing and baseball. They go so well together.” He grinned and took hold of Kyle’s hips. “I love doing it while watching the game.”
“Ooh, you’re so kinky.”
“I can be kinky,” he insisted, almost defensively.
“All right, then, tell me the kinkiest thing you ever did,” Kyle challenged, pulling back to watch his mouth and wanting to hear something hot so he could get out of his own head.
Forrester’s cheeks had turned red from desire, but their color deepened at Kyle’s question.
It’s adorable how easily he blushes!
Forrester let out an embarrassed giggle before answering, “Last summer at a Comic-Con, I gave this dude dressed like Captain Kirk a blowjob in one of those individual bathrooms. I told him to recite the opening of the show and be all, like, ‘Captain’s log, Stardate 2798. I was getting a blowjob at Comic-Con.’”
Kyle threw back his head and laughed.
“Then I jerked off on his stomach and told him to eat it slow.” He giggled. “And he did! Even though there was a huge line outside, guys beating on the door and everything.”
Of all the kinky things he’d imagined might come out of Forrester’s mouth, that had certainly not been one of them. But it was by far one of the best.
And just what Kyle needed.
He kissed Forrester right on the nose. “I love what a dork you are.”
Forrester squeezed Kyle tighter. “I’m a dork? This from the guy who gets a stiffy from 20,000 Leagues?”
Kyle smiled coyly and rocked his hips into Forrester’s groin. Forrester leaned in and claimed his mouth in another long, wet kiss, his fingers tangling in his hair, sending tremors down his back.

Meet the Author
Deanna Wadsworth might be a bestselling erotica author, but she leads a pretty vanilla life in Ohio with her wonderful husband and a couple adorable cocker spaniels. She has been spinning tales and penning stories since childhood, and her first erotic novella was published in 2010. She has served multiple board positions at her local RWA chapter and is the current President 2017 for Rainbow Romance Writers of America. When she isn’t writing books or brainstorming with friends, you can find her making people gorgeous in a beauty salon. She loves music and dancing, and can often be seen hanging out on the sandbar in the muddy Maumee River or chilling with her hubby and a cocktail in their basement bar. In between all that fun, Deanna cherishes the quiet times when she can let her wildly active imagination have the full run of her mind. Her fascination with people and the interworkings of their relationships have always inspired her to write romance with spice and love without boundaries.
For more from Deanna be sure and visit her website!