BANTER BUDDIES: A Dual View of Jack L. Pyke's 'Psychopaths & Sinners'

Oh the wait is over boys and girls - Jack is back! Well, Jack L. Pyke that is. Trio and I have got you covered with all sorts of delish. From our 5 HEART read recommendations to this Banter Buddies.... Oh, and a little stop over by the lady herself, Ms. Pyke! You know we're both huge fans of the Don't... series and we can't get enough of the build-up Pyke continues to bring us as she edges closer to the series finale with this latest installment, Psychopaths & Sinners. Don't... miss this thrill ride that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat!
Happy Reading, Kimmers

Title: Psychopaths & Sinners
Author: Jack L. Pyke
Published: May 22, 2018
Cover Artist: Siol na Tine
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance; Dark Contemporary Romance; Mystery/Thriller; Suspense
Length: 557 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; Bisexual; May/December; Angst; Cliffhanger; Disorder: Dissociative Identity Disorder; CW: Abduction, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Torture - Physical & Mental, Murder, Necrophilia, Off-Page Child Abuse
About Psychopaths & Sinners
“Because us? Psychopaths and sinners… we don’t need fixing, Gray.”
Three bodies, three mutilations, each one with something… unusual inserted into the wounds. The deaths are enough to leave Ash Thomas scrambling around to find someone to trust as the murders hit so close to home and heart.
For Gray Raoul, MI5 director of G-Branch, the deaths offer something else, a fall back into a familiar life where culling serial killers cater to his own darker mindset. But the farther Gray moves away from home, the more he realises serial killer games in the field are nothing compared to who he has locked up back at home. Sometimes walking the fine line between psychopaths and live-in lovers is a far darker game.
For Ash, that might just mean he’s on his own now, facing a killer who has a deadly fascination for pretty young men and dancing Holly Blue butterflies over their skin.
Favorite Main Character
Kimmers: If you would have asked me this yesterday it so would have been Jack. But in compiling everything for today's post I had a conversation with Jack L. Pyke about Gray's "answers" in her guest post, and it dawned on me. The way they are answered, with excerpts, is so Gray. Dark, mysterious, not direct, evasive.... In his own way Gray is like Jack - he's deep and damaged and complex, and I know now, in my heart, it's been him all along.
Trio: I fell in love with Jack in the opening scene of Don’t… He’s so cocky yet sweet and sensitive, and he loves so deeply. But when Martin comes out? Oh, that works for me in so many amazing ways. Only someone as beautiful as Jack could have someone as naughty as Martin as his alternate personality.
Favorite Secondary Character Kimmers: You know I wanted to go with Raif because we get so much more of him here, but he really is a main character. And I'm more so intrigued by someone in Gray's life who we start to get to know in this novel. I can't really say who, but I do so hope we get a little more of the Welsh in book six. Trio: There are so many great characters introduced in this episode, but if I had to pick only one I’m going with Chase. His relationship with Ash is so complex I can’t wait to know more details, I also have my fingers crossed for more background on his relationship with Johnny.
Favorite Endearment
Kimmers: Jesus, Stunner. I’ve been a bleeding heart for that since the first time Gray said it to Jack. But this new Flittermouse, is slowly working its way into my defenses. Trio: Oh, Stunner. Have you ever heard anything more romantic? When Gray says it to Jack my heart melts a little more each time.
Favorite Scene
Kimmers: Good Lord this is hard, because there are so many and to talk about them will give away the enjoyment. Let's just say there is a particular scene with Martin, Jack and Gray that still leaves my heart aching. Trio: I think my favorite scene is with Raif and Ash in his dad’s kitchen. They’re basically seducing each other, and the chemistry between them is so freakin’ hot. Raif is gently coaxing Ash into recognizing his dominant nature, but also calling him on the carpet for his transgressions. It’s a great scene to show how many layers there are in both these men’s characters and how intensely they play off each other.
Favorite Quote
Kimmers: Jack is the master of quotes with emotion. I can't tell you how many I have scribed in my leather-bound book. But I have to share these two:
“'Always hold a spy as a lover with one hand, a thief with the other.'” Not gonna tell you who says this. (See favorite secondary character above.)
And when Raif says to Ash, “'So would you allow this old soul to hold you now, Ash? Scare you in the kind of ways that gets your heart beating for all the right reasons this time?'” Gah! Trio: When Gray tells Ash, “'The decision to leave a man standing will always be harder than making one that takes him down.'”
Best flashback or revisit of a scene from another perspective:
Kimmers: I think I'm gonna leave this, as here is where I believe Jack L. Pyke shines. As I say in my review, "Pyke has a beautiful way of blending past memories, individual habits, even specific moments in time, to present thoughts and events, while using them to propel a narrative forward." For this reason alone you need to experience the "flashback's" for yourself. *winks*
Trio: I have two. Gray does a bunch of melancholy reminiscing as he’s missing Jack. The one that really broke my heart? He’s standing outside his home remembering standing there with Jack, watching two pheasants on the lawn. The new lovers share the smoke off a cigarette as they kiss. Ash, Chase, and Johnny have so many great memories of growing up together. Miles reminds Ash about a time when he, Chase, and Johnny all dress up in costumes for a party. Ash goes as Batman, Chase as Batgirl, and Johnny dressed up like Daffyd Thomas from Little Britain. Just sayin’, he’s definitely not the only gay in his village.
Best Introduction of Spin-Off Character(s)
Kimmers: Ohhhh... the secrets to be revealed. I'm mum! Trio: I have to agree with Kimmers. If I answer this I’m going to need spoiler tags and I don’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone.
This book made me:
Kimmers: Fearful of what's headed our way in Don't six. Not gonna lie! Trio: Extremely impatient for Don’t… book six!
The type of reader I would you recommend this book to:
Kimmers: Anyone who likes a well written, dark, complex thriller with characters who continue developing and surprising you every step of the way.
Trio: Any fan of dark, erotic, mind-bending fiction has to read this series. Jack L. Pyke’s books are amazing on so many layers and I discover something new each time I read them.
For purchase links, excerpts, meet the author, and more . . . visit our review recommendation links above.