AUDIO REVIEW TOUR with GIVEAWAY: 'Under the Boardwalk' by Felice Stevens
Title: Under the Boardwalk Author: Felice Stevens Narrator: Nick J. Russo Published: August 7, 2017 Audio: February 13, 2018 Publisher:...

REVIEW TOUR with GIVEAWAY: 'Of Hope and Anguish' by Silvia Violet
Title: Of Hope and Anguish Series: Revolutionaries #2 Author: Silvia Violet Published: March 6, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published Cover...

RELEASE BLITZ with EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Art by Adonis' by Kris Sawyer
Title: Art by Adonis Author: Kris Sawyer Published: March 2, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published Cover Artist: Sidney Lowell/Creative Minds...

RELEASE BLITZ with EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Dead Camp 5: The End Game Part 2' by Sean Kerr
Title: Dead Camp 5: The End Game Part 2 Series: Dead Camp #5 Author: Sean Kerr Published: February 23, 2018 Publisher: eXtasy Books Cover...

BOOK TOUR with REVIEW and GIVEAWAY: 'Losing It' by Christine d'Abo
Hello, my name is Christine d’Abo and I’m so happy to be here today. All things, no matter how good and loved, must eventually come to an...

AUDIOBOOK TOUR with REVIEW and GIVEAWAY: 'Survivor' by T.M. Smith
What reviewers think of Nick J. Russo's narration... "Wow! AWESOME story! Gripped me from the very start. Loved the premise. Nick J Russo...

Title: Smoldering Flame Series: Rekindled Flame #3 Author: Andrew Grey Published: February 13, 2018 Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Cover...

BOOK TOUR with GUEST POST, EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: Shira Anthony of 'Swann's Revenge'
Location Scouting for the Romance Novel: Swann’s Revenge By Shira Anthony Thanks, Kimmers, for hosting this stop on the Swann’s Revenge...

REVIEW TOUR with GIVEAWAY: 'Contour' by Meg Harding
Title: Contour Series: Shape of You #1 Author: Meg Harding Published: January 23, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published/Oceanside Press Cover...

RELEASE BLITZ with EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Undone' by Morgan Noel and R. Phoenix
Title: Undone Authors: Morgan Noel and R. Phoenix Published: January 30, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published Cover Artist: Enamel Genre: Urban...

BLOG TOUR with EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Sound of Silence' by Mia Kerick and Raine O'Tierne
Title: Sound of Silence Authors: Mia Kerick and Raine O’Tierney Published: January 23, 2018 Publisher: Harmony Ink Press Cover Artist:...

RELEASE BLITZ with EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Why I Need You' by Colette Davison
Title: Why I Need You Author: Colette Davison Published: January 23, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published/Smudged Ink Press Cover Artist:...

REVIEW TOUR with GIVEAWAY: 'Dream' by Garrett Leigh
Title: Dream Series: Skins #1 Author: Garrett Leigh Published: January 23, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published/Fox Love Press Cover Artist: GD...

BOOK BLITZ with EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'Bait' by Pierce Smith
Title: Bait Author: Pierce Smith Published: January 1, 2018 Publisher: Self-Published Genre: Dark Erotic Romance Length: 300 Pages Tags:...

RELEASE BLITZ with REVIEW, EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY: 'The Station' by Keira Andrews
Title: The Station Author: Keira Andrews Published: January 18, 2018 - 2nd Edition Publisher: Self-Published/KA Books Cover Artist: Dar...