REVIEW: 'Don't....' by Jack L. Pyke

Title: Don’t….
Series: Don’t...Book 1
Author: Jack L. Pyke
Published: December 12, 2012
Cover Artist: D.M. Atkins
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance; Contemporary Romance
Length: 354 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; M/M/M; Menage; BDSM; D/s; Heavy Angst; Suspense; Thriller; CW: Dub-Con.; CW: Kink; CW: Infidelity
"Don't... open me." Three simple words that tease Jack, taking him places from his dark past. For Jack, BDSM is a way to resist his worst impulses. Yet, the stranger calling himself The Unknown seeks to use that to seduce him. As Jack slips further down into the abyss, two men hold the power to save him. Will it be Gray, the Master who knows Jack's every secret? Or Jan, the first man to give Jack a reason to hope? With deadly ghosts coming out to play, Jack may lose everything, even his life.


Don’t… the first book in the series of the same name by Jack L. Pyke, is a hot, exotic, and fantastic roller coaster of sense and reality.
I will only give you a brief peek at the plot and characters in this book. To do anything more would be a disservice to Pyke’s dark thrill ride and would destroy the reasons why you should drop what you’re currently reading and immediately attack this book!
As Don’t…Book One begins we meet Jack Harrison. He is a 29-year-old owner/operator of a mechanic shop and is also a karate teacher. For all intents and purpose, Jack appears to have a predilection for kink.
Although he is not very social and doesn’t particularly like technology, Jack comes across a very ambiguous chat board post one evening—the simple word “Don’t….” He is compelled to respond so he leaves a reply, never expecting a response or to even return to the site again.
But the next day he receives an e-mail from the board poster that alters any plans he may have had.
Returning home, he discovers that someone has infiltrated his house. Somehow this “Unknown” knows things about him—about his past and his desires—and begins using that knowledge against him. This “Unknown” has the power to make him feel things, do things—all without even seeing him!
As the games begin, the biggest implication is that his own deviant desires could destroy Jack.
At the same time, you learn of someone in Jack’s life named “Gray,” with whom he seems to have a rocky past that is affecting Jack’s present. Although Jack eludes to him in thought, he appears to be keeping him physically at bay.
There are hints throughout the book that whatever was in their past may have been deadly, as Jack’s house is currently under CCTV surveillance. This makes the threat of this new “Unknown” even more powerful; how the hell are they getting past surveillance?
As things begin to heat up with the “Unknown” and you think you might have figured out the puzzle—pow—Pyke introduces Jan. I was completely blown away by Jack and Jan’s immediate attraction and truly hot passion, as well as their physical and emotional desire for one another.
With the main characters discreetly introduced, and the intrigue and mystery set, here is where things twist, tangle, and mingle and Don’t… begins to take off like a derailed freight train on a collision course.
Pyke slams you up against plot twist after plot twist and keeps you on the edge of your seat as you take this action-packed ride. At times I was certain my Kindle was either going to break from slamming it down in frustration of not knowing what was to come next or spontaneously combust from all of the sizzling, raw, and explosively delicious man on man (on man) sex!
Don’t… was a totally tantalizing, must-read mind fuck from beginning to end.
It was like speeding into a hairpin curve on your motorcycle; you feel the thrill, the excitement and the fear all at once in the pit of your stomach.
At times I wanted to scream, other times cry, pull out my hair, anything! But I always wanted more, and more, and more. And damn it, I still want more! The ending left me craving the raw power that was Don’t…
Don't...Book One was originally reviewed by Kimmers in connection with now exited QUEERcentric Books blog. Book was provided free of charge to QCB, by ForbiddenFiction, in exchange for our fair and honest opinion.

Jack's a pure M/M erotic romance author who specializes in BDSM.
With a wicked love for portraying D/s relationships in particular, all added to a psychological thriller edge, kink and mind games go hand in hand here.