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AUTHOR INTERVIEW Part I: Joseph Lance Tonlet and Louis Stevens, 'Quillon's

Let me start off by saying, there is no better way to spend a Sunday morning than Skyping with the charming Joseph Lance Tonlet and the devilishly youthful Louis Stevens. That is exactly what the three of us did this past weekend...for three fun filled hours! What follows are a few highlights of our conversation.

We met to discuss the release of their current collaboration, Quillon’s Covert. Along with a few other things.

What first struck me when we logged on and began casually chatting was that their passion and enthusiasm for this project was absolutely contagious. The second, was how genuinely open and welcoming both men are.

NOTE: I have come to call Joseph “J” and, since he has yet to call me out on this, we will keep it at that for ease of the conversation.

Kimmers: “Thank you both so much for taking the time to meet with me today, especially in light of some eight hour time difference - give or take. I know you have a lot to do with the release coming up so let’s get to it.

You know I have read Quillon’s Covert but I have yet to share my review with you. Let me just say - it is beautiful!” *both men blush*

“I want to get the proverbial ‘cat out of the bag’ as it were and tell the readers right up front that this book is taboo, and incest at that. I know that you both hold a passion for this genre but why continue to go this route when we all know how publishers bow to mainstream distributors and refuse to distribute explicit taboo stories. I mean, it is harder to self-publish your books right?”

Louis: “I wanted to write a taboo story, particularly a fatherly love story that would help to bring this often dismissed sub-genre more into the mainstream. I wanted to be a part of something that would help to, hopefully, open people’s hearts up to an unconventional yet legitimate love story. Stories that explore the same struggles, disappointments, false starts, sad endings, and happy ever afters that mainstream MM books do.” *big grins*

J: *nervously chuckles* “Um…let’s see…how honest should I be here?” *goofy grin* “Aww, hell, why not. So, I won’t go into all the gory details as to why, but I first met my father when I was in my early thirties and he was in his early fifties. And, being the twisted soul I am…I looked at him and thought, yep, I could go ‘there.’ Many years later I’d meet another twisted soul.” *coughs, Louis* “Through that meeting Quillon’s Covert would be born.

As for self-publishing, it allows me to tell the story I want to tell - how I want to tell it. At the end of the day that’s what really matters to me. Of course I’d like to make back what I invest, but what’s even more important to me is my readers feeling they got their monies worth, that my book touched them and it was worth the time they spent on it.”

Kimmers: “Well I can tell you both you have succeeded on both counts.” *shy thank you’s fill the air*

Kimmers: “Your welcome. Now I am wondering, is there a reason why Quillon’s Covert is told from Martin and Marty’s points of view only and there are no other supporting characters?”

J: “Actually, yes. We wanted to keep it concentrated on the father and the son. To drive home the point that the time at the cabin is their own little bubble, how they look forward to their time there, and how they’ve come to accept their relationship within the confines of that bubble.”

Louis: “If we added other characters we would have had to develop them and we solely wanted to develop Martin and Marty. To show their closeness”.

Kimmers: “I can see that.”

Kimmers: “So I don’t know if your readers are aware that you both live in two different countries. With that being said, how did the two of you meet, let alone collaborate on a book? With you in USA, California, J, and Louis you in South Africa.”

Louis: *Louis is leaning against his headboard with laptop in hand and sits up, leaning in excitedly*

“I totally fanboyed over Joe’s Brothers LaFon, for very obvious reasons! We bumped into each other around some of the many groups online that we have in common, and got to talking on many occasions about books we both enjoyed.”

J: “We were both going through a creative dry spell, and since we shared similar interests, we decided to write a taboo story as sort of an exercise. Not with any intent to publish. Then we quickly realized we actually had a book in our hands and now you see Quillon’s Covert.”

Kimmers: “Well, thank God for dry spells! I also think this is a wonderful testament to how open the MM community is. How accessible the authors try to make themselves. You never know what can develop”. *wink*

Kimmers: “What was the whole collaboration process like for you? Were there any funny experiences, or challenges, during the process that you wish to share?”

J: *smirk* “Go ahead Louis.”

Louis: *laughs* “During the writing of Quillon’s Covert, both Joe and I would each write our Point of View character’s chapter, then send the story to the other, and so on.

I think the funniest was when after sending off my submission to the chapter, I’d goofy grin every time Joe fanboyed over how the characters interacted in the new chapter. And the same for me, when I would assault Joe’s eyes with exclamation points when I totally went on about his new chapter. Loved it!”

J: “It was so fun to see what one or the other would add to the story, but at times it could be difficult to remember what had occurred previously as you didn’t actually write it, you know what I mean?”

Kimmers: “Sounds to me like you were experiencing being the writer and the reader all at the same time.”

J: *nods head* “Yeah, that’s it, very much so!”

Louis: “It was also great as Joe got to express the romance, he likes the romance.”

Kimmers: *eyes wide in shock* “What? J!” *they both nod their heads and knowingly laugh*

Kimmers: “Wow, o.k., let’s address something even readers have mixed feelings about. In your opinion do you feel a book blurb or photo is more important in generating interest in a book and why?”

Louis: “I absolutely believe that a great cover is important in arresting the attention of your target audience. I’m not ashamed to say that I am a complete cover hooker.” *eyes twinkle*

J: “What Louis said.”

Kimmers: “From what I have seen of your posts on Facebook Louis, I am not surprised.” *wink* “And the Quillon’s Covert cover, awesome!”

Kimmers: “O.K, serious question here. Are there any causes within the LGBTQ community that are a hot button for you or that you are passionate about?” *there is a look of hurt, and a flare of fire in both their eyes, when we begin to speak of prejudices toward the community*

“I know that you have both expressed how difficult high school was for you growing up gay. Living in fear, staying in the shadows, the feelings of being absent, pain, and awkwardness.” *just the the thought that someone could treat these two wonderful men in such a way makes makes me physically ill*

J: *walks over to the window and lights a cigarette* “Those years of living in fear had a tremendous impact on the adult I’d eventually become – and why I’m such a huge supporter of The Trevor Project.

No child should ever feel ashamed of who they are, or like they have to hide in order to remain safe.

I’m in the process of setting up a Cafepress website where, initially, only Grif’s Toy items will be available. My intent is for all the proceeds from Grif products to go to the Trevor Project.”

Louis: *soft doe eyes stare ahead* “For personal reasons, I am very passionate about any charity that seeks to address bullying. The Trevor Project saves countless lives every day, and I support this charity in my personal capacity and thank everyone else who ever has.”

Kimmers: “Yet another reason I am proud to know you both!”

Kimmers: *cough* “Well, uhm, on a lighter note. Tell us something about yourselves that your readers may not know. Come on, give us something more to love you for!

Louis: “I’m in love with my best friend.”

J: *hearty laugh* Does the BF know this Louis or is this gonna be news to him.

Louis: “He knows, and so does his boyfriend. And believe me, the BF uses it to his full advantage.” *shy chuckle* “Okay, moving on.”

Kimmers: *giggling* “Well then J, let’s put you on the spot. What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?”

J: “I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I like to have a cocktail – or three” *he winks* “when I’m writing a smexy scene.” *blushes* “Oh, and I usually write without pants on.”

Kimmers: *laughs hysterically* “Oh my God J, I am never going to read your books the same way again!”

Kimmers: “Such a good lead into this next one. You know I have to ask this as inquiring readers always wonder – does your own sexuality come into play when writing your books? What they really want to know is: do any of your real life scenarios make it to the page?”

Louis: “Put simply, I write sex scenes that I find hot playing out in my mind. Not to mention my Randy Blue and CockyBoys subscriptions. Oh God, my laptop is at the computer Dr., they're in for an eyeful if they find my CockyBoys project.” *we all laugh heartily*

Kimmers: “Oh, all I can think about when signing up for one of those is all the SPAM that’s gonna hit my laptop. *everyone chuckles*

J: “Hmm, I mean, I guess everything I write is ‘part’ of me…part of my sexuality. There’s a part of me in every character…and some personal experience mixed into all of it. Well, obviously not everything. I don’t have a younger brother I keep captive and use as my personal toy. *he smirks as he blows smoke from his cigarette*

Kimmers: “Well, I am sure we all would like to know. Are there any plans for you to collaborate again in the near future?” *they both wickedly grin*

Louis: “Joe? Shall we ruin the surprise now?”

J: “We are working on a project called Freedom Island. It is going to be a six book series that will have an arching theme but each book can stand alone. It will allow Louis to express his passion for the dark.”

Kimmers: *my brows shoot up in shock* “Louis, dark?” *Louis gives a knowing evil laugh*

J: *shrugs* “Yeah, dark. I mean man, Louis is just, yeah - fucking dark!” *J blows out a breath and Louis smirks a sly giggle*

Louis: “Yep!”

Kimmers: “O.K., well I for one am intrigued and will be watching.

As much as I would love to monopolize the rest of your day, I suppose we should sign off. I cannot even begin to thank you enough for the opportunity you both afforded me in allowing Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, the newbie blogger, to be such a huge part of Quillon’s Covert’s release. Yeah, just wow! I hope I don’t embarass you.

Oh, and I appreciate you both completing the Q & A in preparation for this video chat. As you so eloquently stated, J, my questionnaire was like taking the S.A.T.’s, so I hope you will allow me to retain the answers for blackmail. Wait, I meant to use when featuring you for future book releases. *both J and Louis give a big smile*

J: “Looking forward to it! This was lots of fun.”

Louis: “You're already on my list love! We need to do this again.”

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