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REVIEW: Taboo Ending - 'Twice The Hands To Hold' by Louis Stevens

NOTE: This is only my opinion of the stand-alone taboo ending of Twice The Hands To Hold by Louis Stevens. For my full review of Twice The Hands To Hold, buy links and meet the author click here.

There is no secret that in Louis Steven’s Twice the Hands To Hold Matt and Brian are very close. In fact they share one minor, but illicit, moment. Add to that their fierce struggle with with the fact that each of them is moving on, developing relationships with other men; and in doing so they stress to their new partners that their brother comes first in any relationship.

So, it should come as no surprise that Stevens would create an alternate ending for these boys. What is surprising however is that uncle Jake seems to share this passion as well.

This alternate scene takes place after what happened to Brian and it goes to reason that what Brian may have needed most to mend his hurt was the intimacy of his brother Matt and his uncle Jake.

The brothers encourage the encounter and after a little hesitation Jake has no problem taking the reigns and showing his nephews just how much he truly loves them.

Three men, consumed by lust, fulfilling long heald years of desire.

This taboo ending of Twice The Hands To Hold definitely has the sexy the original version was lacking. And as much as I enjoyed the fantasy, I found myself excited that I could read it separate. I truly enjoyed how the initial version hinted and elluded to feelings Matt and Brian harbored for one another and allowed your imagination to take its own leap. This ending catapultes that leap into reality.

To obtain the alternate taboo ending of Twice The Hands To Hold visit

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