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REVIEW: 'Daddy' by Kol Anderson


Title: Daddy

Author: Kol Anderson

Published: July 1, 2013

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Erotica

Length: 7 pages

Tags: Gay; M/M; Short Story; CW: Taboo; CW: Incest



Given that taboo is a particular favorite of mine Kol Anderson has been recommended to me on more than one occasion. Picking up Daddy solidified why.

CAUTION: INCEST, INCEST, INCEST. That is all the book blurb you get - and all you need.

If that word conjures disgust and fear in you do not even attempt this short read. It will not be fair to you or the author.

But should you wish a quick glimpse as to what Kol Anderson is all about, and have the ability to look at this story as fiction, Daddy may just surprise you.

In all honesty I have to say that starting and ending this book gave me the creeps and made me wonder about myself. Truly, what was I reading and WHY was I continuing to read it?

At a short seven pages it was over before I knew it and I sat staring at my Kindle thinking what the F....!

I was lead to believe this to be incest. But no age was ever given and Sammy talked of his urge, his need for his "daddy" and his daddy talked to him with a confident ease and knowing, that desires were mutual.

As I tried to internalize what the author had done I came to see Daddy as absolutely brilliant on his part!

Without a full blurb, without certain details within the story itself and even by keeping the tale extremely short....he left the reality of the story up to the reader. Was this true incest or Daddy/son kink?

If Kol Anderson can provoke my interest like this in very few pages I can't wait to see what else he has out there!

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"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ― Oscar Wilde I'm a writer. I'm not a book-minting machine and I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)

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