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Kimmers' Taboo Tuesday Read: March 22, 2016

I missed Taboo Tuesday last week so this week Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banters’ taboo is about to get a little darker!

Up to now I’ve concentrated on what many might consider the ultimate of taboos; brocest, twincest, incest. But this past week someone reminded me that these are not the only, shall we say, reading limits.

In fact when you look up the word taboo in the dictionary it covers a broad spectrum.

“A social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place or thing.

A social practice that is prohibited or restricted.”

My mind can conjure up a laundry list of taboo subjects that one might apply to this definition. (Rape, torture, abduction, degradation, even some forms of BDSM…and more.)

To me, that is the joy of reading taboo. To expose myself to things I may never, in my wildest dreams, consider in real life. It is an escape for my mind. An escape into the unknown.

So today’s feature brings you a dark taboo with abduction, torture, forced sex, and rape (to name a few).

Now, before you immediately so “no way”, consider how many of us are exposed to this type of taboo in every day moments. Movies, TV series, even nightly news; and perhaps we never even think twice? Reading is no different. Just because we choose to watch or read something illicit does not mean we condone the behavior nor are we going to turn into a rapist or a mass murderer. It is simply an escape from our reality.

Cara Dee’s escape from reality brings you the developing relationship of two men learning to live again after being abducted and tortured, together, in unimaginable psychological as well as physical ways. Cara brings you their story in flashbacks that bring the scenes to you in memory, yet maybe not so vividly on the page.

Aftermath is a dark “gay for you” read that is not going to promise you hearts and flowers but does take you on an engaging journey.

However, don’t just take my word for it. Have a look at the solid reviews on Goodreads and give this taboo a try!


Austin Huntley and Cameron Nash are like night and day. One is a family man, works in a nice office, drives an expensive car, and is content to be content. The other one is an antisocial car mechanic with a short fuse. Some things don’t change. Others definitely do. After surviving a five-months long kidnapping together, they struggle to return to normalcy, all while realizing that they're more drawn to each other than they ever could've imagined. "I know I'm not normal, but I'm not fucking stupid." "Define normal," Austin countered quietly, meeting Cam in the doorway. "And for not being normal, you're the only person in the world who makes sense right now. What does that say about me?" Warning: This story contains violence and scenes of an explicit, erotic nature between two men and is intended for adults, 18+.

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