AUTHOR INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Kol Anderson, 'Senseless'

As many of you already know I am a huge fan of taboo. The subject matter is actually one of the reasons I started my blog. I found other readers like myself floundering as to where to find the illicit reads. I wanted to create a platform in which I might be able to highlight the efforts of the hard working authors of the genre while at the same time getting the books into the hands of those who crave them.
In my resulting searches of the “forbidden fruit” one author’s name has consistently risen to the top of the recommendation list. Kol Anderson.
I recently had the pleasure of reading one of his short stories, Daddy, and I absolutely loved it. It gave me that feeling of what the fuck am I reading while at the same time allowing me, the reader, the ability to choose for myself just what the word “daddy” in the story entailed. With a genre like taboo, creating the ability for the reader to come to their own conclusion is brilliant!
So, when Kol and I finally hooked up and started chatting I jumped at the chance for an interview with him when he mentioned a new release. I wanted to give those who appreciate his work an opportunity to meet - Kol Anderson.

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ― Oscar Wilde I'm a writer. I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay.
I love to dream. And sometimes enjoy the concept of nightmares turning into fantasies, hence the dark subject matter of my books and the constant HEA approach. I do love the idea of love, and I have a passion for reading and movies and music and anything that keeps me distracted from the fact that life is pointless.
Works by Kol

The Prisoner/Broken Series
The Perfect Place
The Crying Game
Kimmers: “Thank you for agreeing to answer some questions, Kol. I know you don’t grant a lot of interviews and I am humbled that you chose the Banter to get a little private with. How about we start off with some fun ones so your fans can get to know your personal side and we can relax a little?”
Kol: *laughing* “O.K., sounds good.”
Kimmers: “What is the number one played song on your music list?”
Kol: “Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.”
Kimmers: “Oh man, I love that song! It's on my playlist too. O.K., what did you want to be when you grew up?”
Kol: *laughing* “Actor. I know! It sounds stupid, but I love all kinds of acting. Theater and movies.”
Kimmers: “It doesn’t sound stupid. Dreams shape our being. And an acting bug I am sure gave you some of your imagination to write. Speaking of, what is your favorite book?”
Kol: “American Psycho.”
Kimmers: “Favorite quote?”
Kol: “‘The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame’ by Oscar Wilde.”
Kimmers: “I must say when I read that on your author bio it really made me think. Pretty much explains the stigma some people have with taboo. One more, real quick. What sound do you love to hear or make?”
Kol: “Huh…” *laughing* “I love to hear the sound of a man coming.” *more laughing*
Kimmers: *giggling* “Well, since during our prep talks you shared that your favorite writing quirk is a morning ritual, of sorts, of watching porn - for research I am sure - somehow this information does not surprise me.” *more giggling* “Now that you are obviously relaxed let’s talk about your writing and your newest release, Senseless, shall we?”
Kol: “Sure, what can I tell you?”
Kimmers: “Why M/M and taboo? What made you decide to write in this genre, especially when considering the difficulties with reaching your target audience?”
Kol: “M/M because well, Male/Male? What’s not to like?” *laughter* “And Taboo because that’s just how my brain works I guess. I never consciously made that decision, contrary to what people might think, it just so happened that the stories I decided to write were taboo. As for reaching a target audience, I never wrote for a target audience. I just wrote what I felt like writing. I never even thought for a second that I would get the response that I did get. I’m grateful for it! For everyone who supported me over the years and still continue to do so. But when I was writing, I was simply being true to myself.”
Kimmers: “As a reader I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.You can really tell when an author writes for them, the story they want to tell. It comes across in how the book makes you feel, how it reaches up and grabs you. O.K., writing in the field that you do how would you explain the difference between erotic fiction and porn or erotica?”
Kol: “See, here’s the thing. People love labels. I simply don’t believe in them. Not naming names, but I’ve read some ‘porn’ that was better than most ‘fiction.’ I see it all the time. Porn that’s written as though it was actual fiction and I believe it’s just bad luck that such authors are not in the limelight because they think of their work as not having any sort of literary merit. And the thing with literary merit, is this: Who decides what is literary? A bunch of snobs acting like they’re the chosen ones? Like they’re supposed to tell everyone what to read? Doesn’t anyone see what’s wrong with that? All writing is subjective and the sooner we realize that the better. So yeah, if it’s well written, well-made porn, I’ll love it just the same as any other piece of fiction.”
Kimmers: “I can relate to that. When I tell people what kind of books I read I get all sorts of questions but the biggest is why. My simple answer: Because, it is what I like. Anyway, moving on. As a full-time writer, in your opinion do you feel a book blurb or photo is more important in generating interest in a book and why?”
Kol: “Absolutely a photo. It’s a personal pet peeve when publishers or authors get those tacky covers and I would never buy them unless I heard from plenty of sources that it was indeed good. But I have been surprised in the past, by books that were actually exceptional underneath bad covers so now I judge less, but it’s still a pet peeve.” *shrugs with a snicker*
Kimmers: “So, your book Senseless came out today. Well, technically yesterday but we all know how we are at the mercy of computers behaving. What lead you to write this book, any dirty secrets?”
Kol: *laughing* “TONS! I guess I’m just a major creep. I enjoy watching people get tortured.” *grinning*
Kimmers: “Well, then… you want to share any funny moments or experiences you had while writing this book? Did your characters play well with you?”
Kol: “Funny moments were these chat convos I had with a fellow writer friend.” *chuckles* “They were hilarious. And not safe for work! As for the characters, honestly most of the time they did, but Devyn was one difficult motherfucker and kept wanting to do stuff I didn’t want him to do.”
Kimmers: “Oh, that leads me to this next question. We as readers always hear that characters talk to authors. Do yours do this, and if so, which of your characters do you like, or hate, and why?”
Kol: *laughs* “Hell yes they do! Sometimes I can’t hear ANYTHING beyond what they’re saying! Hate, well, I know it’s probably strange but I don’t HATE any of my characters. In my head, even if it’s a bad guy like Carson, we don’t know his story. So I don’t judge. I let them do what they’re doing, and let people be the judge of whether they were good or evil, or black or white. But I like my characters grey and I think everyone knows that by now!” *chuckles* “My readers come prepared! And I appreciate that.”
Kimmers: “You know I have to ask this and this seems as good a place as any. Inquiring readers always wonder – does your own sexuality come into play when writing your books - do any of your real life scenarios make it to the page?”
Kol: “I don’t mind answering.” *laughing* “I think pretty much every writer writes that disclaimer in the front of their book telling everyone it’s ‘fiction’ but I belong to the Palahniuk school of thought and believe every form of fiction is autobiographical. No matter what you write, no matter how much you try to keep your experiences away from the book they will make it in. That’s what makes reading so amazing. It’s like a glimpse into the mind of a person.”
Kimmers: “Considering I have started dabbling a bit in the writing pool, I would have to agree. Very important one here. Are there any causes within the LGBTQ community that are a hot button for you or that you are passionate about?”
Kol: “Where to start! Look if there’s an issue I’m passionate about it’s simple. I hate to see people suffering. It’s not something I want to see, so yeah, I will do anything in my power to help campaign or help personally or whatever. But I don’t like giving political statements publicly unless something really pisses me off. Because I find that my actual stand is usually too damn different from others and I’ll just be pissing people off for no reason. But suffice it to say, I hate labels, I hate that everyone has to be put in a box or they don’t exist. I hate that people have to tell you what your sexuality should be, what your gender should be, what your orientation should be. I hate that and it just hurts more than it pisses me off that there are people still doing that.”
Kimmers: “Yeah, do not even get me started on labels. So, in our chats you have mentioned that every author you have read inspires you in some way. So who would you say are your biggest supporters?”
Kol: “My friends! Louis Stevens, Amanda Eisenthal, Daniela Reika, Tom Webb, Jen Boltz, Scott Burket, Marcie Padilla, Bev Sutherland, and pretty much everyone who reads my books and doesn’t care about the taboo nature of the content and they still leave reviews and buy the books and support me in every single way! If I’m still writing, it’s because of these people. Because they have faith in me.”
Kimmers: “You definitely have campaigners, Kol. You can’t mention taboo without your name coming up and I mean that in a good way. Speaking of supporters I am sure your fans would like to know what other projects you are currently working on. Can you divulge any to us?”
Kol: “Well, currently I am working on the sequel to Senseless. I might release another short series as well. REALLY taboo, so stay tuned.”
Kimmers: “REALLY taboo!? I’m intrigued.” *big grin* “How about you send your legions off by sharing something they may not know about you?”
Kol: *chuckling* “I’m a very private person so this question is a bit hard. That said, a LOT of my private thoughts and fantasies I actually PUBLISH, so I don’t know what more I can tell you! Let me think…okay how’s this: I’m one of those people who fall stupidly in love.”
Kimmers: “We knew there had to be a softy in there somewhere.” *winks* “Thank you again, Kol, for taking this time today to meet with me and give your followers a personal glimpse of the man behind the words.”
Kol: “Thank you. The questions were kinda fun.”
Kimmers: "And thank you for giving your public a chance to win a copy of Senseless, I'm certain they will be very excited."
Kol: "My pleasure. Good luck all!"

Title: Senseless
Author: Kol Anderson
Published: June 1, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Erotic Romance
Length: 400 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; CW: Taboo; CW: Incest; CW: Kidnapping
Jason Hamilton has been in love with his baby brother for as long as he can remember. He made it a point to pamper and protect him all his life. After the death of their parents, they’ve grown accustomed to each others love, relying on no one else but themselves. So, when eighteen year old Colton gets kidnapped from his college dorm, Jason will do anything to get him back. Devyn Taylor has had a crush on Colton Hamilton for years. But being Jason’s friend he never had the guts to actually go ahead with what he wanted. But no matter how much he’s tried Devyn can’t seem to forget about Colton. So when some friends who got badly burned by Jason, devise a plan to kidnap his brother, Devyn realizes this is his one and only chance to get Colton. The problem? Colton loves his brother and isn’t even willing to give Devyn a shot. And Devyn didn’t realize how sadistic his so-called friends are and just how serious things are about to get.