GUEST POST: Z.B. Heller and Michelle Dare of 'Hook & Ladder 69'

Has my little teaser got your attention? I certainly hope so!
Hi, I’m Z.B. Heller and Kimmers was crazy enough to let one of my co-authors, Michelle Dare, and I hijack her blog today to tell you about our wonderful collaboration: Hook & Ladder 69.
Eighteen of us authors got together to bring you some awesome stories about the brave men and women of Station 69 Firehouse in St. Louis.
Oh, did I mention they just might be HOT stories!?
Did I also mention all proceeds go to benefit a worthwhile cause?
Obviously I didn’t and that is why we are here. We are going to answer some questions we have received in the past few weeks leading up to today’s release.
We just know once you hear what Hook & Ladder is all about you will want to run right out and buy your copy. As soon as you are done reading this of course.
Absolutely everyone wants to know what Hook and Ladder 69 is all about.
Z.B.: “Hook and Ladder is about firehouse 69 in Saint Louis, Missouri. There are 18 authors in the group and each one of us took on a different chapter featuring a different person in the house. Most of them are firemen or firewomen, but in Michelle’s case, Logan is a Paramedic. Michelle’s a rebel like that. But that’s what makes this ‘anthology’ unique because all the chapters are like little short stories instead of each being novellas. It leaves you wanting more.”
Michelle: “It’s true. I am a rebel. Ha! I wanted to mix it up a little by adding a paramedic that fell for a fire fighter. I love the heat between Zolie’s character, Colton, and mine. Z nailed the description of the book. It was her amazing idea and she brought all of these incredibly talented authors together to help support a great cause.”
And it is really important to readers what charity we are working with.
Z.B.: “The charity is the Burned Children’s Recovery Foundation. They are a great charity that does a lot to help victims of fire related accidents both emotionally and financially. They have an opportunity called Camp Phoenix which provides a camp for kids who have been burned to meet other kids in the same situation so they don’t feel alone. It helps children feel like they aren’t victims, but that they are survivors. You can find out more from their website.”
Readers always want to know what we love about writing M/M.
Z.B.: “I knew I always would love writing M/M. There’s just a part of it that completes who I am as an author. I really enjoy writing M/F as well, but there is just something satisfying writing about two men who love each other just as strongly as any other couple. To me, there is no separation when a man loves another man or a woman loves another woman. It’s all the same to me. So in a sense, I’m just writing another love story like I would in any M/F novel. But I love the LBGTQ community so much and just hope that my stories reflect that.”
Michelle: “I love writing romance. All romance. What I love about M/M is I get to really tap into a male frame of mind. Well, as much as I can considering I’m a woman. There’s something very sexy about two men together. Also, with writing romance, there are no boundaries about who loves who. Everyone feels loved. Everyone feels included. We can create these characters that find one another and come together in a beautiful relationship built on love and trust regardless of gender.”
Then there is the question of how we came up with this idea.
Z.B.: “It was right before spring break and this idea just popped into my head. ‘What happens if I ask some of my friends if they want to take on this project with me?’ I knew some of the basics on how I wanted it to go, but needed help forming the whole thing. Michelle and I have been friends for a while and I knew I wanted her in this project with me.
“Michelle, you’re new to the M/M genre. Did it feel different from what you’ve written in the past?”
Michelle: “Not at all. I love writing from the male POV. I do it in almost all of my books. I grew up a tomboy and most of my friends were guys. I worked on their cars with them, hung out, and was never treated differently because of my gender. We always got along great. Writing M/M came naturally to me. I also happen to love writing alpha men, and what better than to bring that into a M/M story.”
For those who got a sneak peek at Hook & Ladder they thought Logan and Colton were great together and as a result wanted to know what we thought their strengths and weakness were.
Z.B.: “I write Colton’s point of view. He’s the driver of the fire truck and his nickname is ‘Speedy’. But he’s anything but speedy in his love life, or in bed. Colton was hurt by an ex who cheated on him so I think he may be too cautious when trying to get back in the game. He’s somewhat shy and reserved, until you get him behind closed doors. But I think once you break down those barriers, you have a dominate person wanting to take control.”
Michelle: “I took on Logan’s POV, my sexy paramedic. Logan grew up with a wealthy family, but wanted no part of that life. When his sister settled in St. Louis, he jumped on the chance to follow her and never looked back. He asks for nothing from his parents and has a lot of pride in what he owns. He had his eye on Colt for a while, but never made a move thinking it was one-sided. He became unsure around Colt, never doing anything more than minimal flirting. A co-worker gave him the push he needed to approach him and make his feelings known. Once he knew Colt was watching him, too, everything changed.”
Since it is a collaboration everyone asks how we got together and if we would do it again.
Z.B.: “Michelle is awesome to write with. She’s definitely more organized and in control than I am. When we decided to do the same couple back to back, I knew I wanted her to write first because she sets a perfect scene. It was so easy to jump right in after I read the last sentence of her chapter. I should have her start all my books, maybe like a forward or something. *laughing* I know we are both so backed up in the commitments we already have, but I definitely know this is NOT the last you’ll see of Logan and Colt.”
Michelle: “I love Zolie! We clicked ever since we first started talking. She’s an amazing woman and someone I’m happy to share the story with. Our two stories flowed well together and our styles meshed easily. For me, starting a story is easy, but I usually have a hard time wrapping it up. This worked great between us. I took the first half and she wrote the smoking hot second half. And Z is right, Logan and Colt will be back. You’ll have to wait to find out when.”
So, there you have it….a little bit about our pet project.
Michelle and I want to thank Kimmers for allowing us this time today. We so hope you will take the time to purchase Hook & Ladder 69. Not only because we know you are going to love the stories but because all proceeds will be going to support child burn victims.

Title: Hook & Ladder 69
Authors: Emme Burton; M.C. Cerny; Sarah M. Cradit; Michelle Dare; Jamie Denise; L.B. Dunbar; Lisa Edward; Lia Fairchild; Z.B. Heller; Felicia Tatum; Glenna Maynard; Mary Catherine Gebhard; Kristen Hope Mazzola; Morgan Jane Mitchell; Emerson Shaw; Kacey Shea; M. Stratton; Madison Street
Published: January 16, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Photograph: Eric Battershell of Photography/FITography
Cover Model: Shane Williams
Cover Design: Qdesign, Amy Queau
Genre: Erotic Romance
Length: 243 Pages
Tags: M/M; M/F; Anthology
Meet the brave men and women of Station 69, serving the citizens of St. Louis while igniting hearts along the way. Eighteen authors have joined forces to bring you their sizzling stories—some sweet, some five alarm hot—but all for a great cause. Follow the antics and adventures of these sexy firefighters in what promises to be one of the hottest summers yet! This delectable book begs the question: Can anyone resist a hero in uniform? Multiple authors have come together to give you one firehouse where all proceeds from this collaboration go to the Burned Children Recovery Foundation. The Burned Children Recovery Foundation is a national recovery agency that has provided Emotional Support and Financial Aid to Burned Children and their Families since 1989.
For more information about this foundation:

As a little girl it was always a dream for Z.B. Heller to become She-Ra Princess of Power. Since this dream was unobtainable, she spent what was probably way to long in college trying to “find herself”. Becoming an artist scratched the creative itch until the stories in her head were getting to be to loud for her to get anything else accomplished.
She lives in St. Louis with her husband, son and Flemish Giant rabbit Chloe. In her spare time she likes to read, stalk celebraties on Twitter and create the type of art people scratch their heads about.

Michelle Dare is a romance author. Her stories range from sweet to sinful and from new adult to fantasy. There aren’t enough hours in the day for her to write all of the story ideas in her head. When not writing or reading, she’s a wife and mom living in eastern Pennsylvania. One day she hopes to be writing from a beach where she will never have to see snow or be cold again.