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Today’s Author Spotlight highlights none other than Jack L. Pyke.

I can’t even begin to tell you how humbled I am that Jack decided to be a part of our celebration. I will admit, I am a Fan Girl. But come on….she makes it so damn easy.

From the first time I picked up Don’t, at the recommendation of another author, I have been devoted. This series has it ALL! Everything from dominant characters, and submissive, to smexy scenes, witty banter, charming men, inner turmoil, love, loss, thrills, suspense, even gut wrenching heartache…and Pyke keeps you coming back for more.

Every time I turn the last page I’m like, “Shit, this series can’t be ending. There has to be more. Please, God, let there be more.”

Jack L. Pyke is one of those authors who makes what she does appear so seamless and yet you know for a fact it's not. But I am thankful she does because every book, every sentence, every word takes me on a journey. Hell, she has even taken me outside a comfort zone I never thought I could travel. And as a survivor, I am so damn thankful!

If you have yet to experience Jack L. Pyke’s Don’t series…what are you waiting for? Run – don’t walk! It will forever change the way you read.

Oh, and if you have been reading it, it's not over. Thank God! In fact just this week Jack published the following on her Facebook page:

Post the first sentence of the first 3 chapters in your WIP - Scars & Scapegoats (Don't 4.5)

1. The break of bracken under barefoot left a light trail of blood on forest floor as the man walked naked through the woods.

2. Like a bad hangman’s noose, Saturday went by painfully slow, choking the life out of the living and doing a half-assed job and prolonging the agony.

3. “You asked yourself whether Jim’s got any CCTV up here? Because that really would wreck a few things. Y’know, him seeing that you went out in his car and only came back holding my hand.”

In all fairness however it isn't just about Jack's books. I have found Jack to be a beautiful, kind, loving, compassionate woman. And most of all a wonderful example of what an advocate, a mother, should be. She is the total package!

Unfortunately Jack was not able to be here today due to many projects. But she did leave an Amazon Gift Card worth £10 UK or $15 US, depending upon one lucky readers choice. Be sure and thank her by giving her Facebook page a like!

Jack's a pure M/M erotic romance author who specializes in BDSM.

With a wicked love for portraying D/s relationships in particular, all added to a psychological thriller edge, kink and mind games go hand in hand here.

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