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REVIEW: 'Complexity' by Harper Miller

Title: Complexity

Series: The Kinky Connect Chronicles Book 4

Author: Harper Miller

Published: July 8, 2016

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: Taria Reed

Genre: Erotic Romance; Contemporary Romance

Length: 95 Pages

Tags: Gay; M/M; Bisexual; Interracial; Coming Out; CW: Kink; Novella; Standaline

BLURB: Fairy tale endings weren’t made for people like me. Happy for now usually ain’t in the cards, either.

The dents on my wall from where my headboard kept knockin’ against the same spot was the first clue that I needed to calm my ass down. At the rate I was racking up notches and plowing through hookups, I wasn’t ever gonna find nothing real. Guess I kinda jinxed myself. I created my circumstances. You can’t get what you want if you keep falling back into the same pattern of bad habits. But then things changed. I stumbled onto somethin’ I never in a million years expected to happen. You gotta understand, I’m never the guy who wins. It was supposed to be just sex, but that shifty, rhyming and scheming bastard, Cupid, pulled a fast one.

I may have changed some stuff to protect a couple of people. But before you go believing the tabloids, make sure you understand that you’re gettin’ the lowdown straight from the source.

I needed to get this off my chest and it’s only fair that you at least get my side of it all. At some point, I might regret telling you any of this, but for now, you need to know.

*Disclaimer* This is a novella. Not a short story, novelette, or novel. This tale features an M/M pairing. If gay erotica/erotic romance is not your cup of tea and you are offended by same-sex relationships or crass language, you should bypass this story. Content is intended for a mature audience, 18+.

Complexity is the fourth installment in The Kinky Connect Chronicles. The Kinky Connect Chronicles are short erotic stories/novelettes all wrapped up in neat little bows. These stories are standalones. No cliffhangers in the lot!



Harper Millers’ Complexity, her first steps into the M/M genre, had me intrigued solely from the blurb. Although you can surmise that one of the main characters is obviously in the spotlight there is a lot open to interpretation as to the plot. So of course I just had to read it….and I am happy that I did.

Don’t be scared off by this being the fourth book in The Kinky Connect Chronicles series as it is definitely a standalone.

Before I get started I want to make a little suggestion should you pick Complexity up. Especially in eBook format. Many times when we use eReaders we do not “drive” what page the system starts us out on. More often than not we are put right to the beginning of the story, missing out on chapter descriptions, acknowledgements and in this case – table of contents. If you don’t back up you will regret it.

The table of contents in Complexity is important in the fact that it alerts you to a glossary. A glossary that holds many of the Spanish terms used within that will aid in an uninterrupted journey through the tale.

So, Complexity: In the simplest of terms it is two dudes, yes dudes, who have no shame about what they want and enjoy sexually and they are out to get it. But, where one night leads neither of them could predict.

What starts out as a distraction ends up to be so much more.

As the story begins Emanuel, or Manny, is ignoring calls and hell bent on drowning his misery in a bottle. Through his thoughts you discover that he is upset over the turn his life has taken and a recent relationship – with a man.

But as you journey backward to their first meeting, or rather hook-up, you begin to understand it isn’t necessarily the fact that he is in love with a man that has him upset but rather the turn their relationship has taken.

Manny and Chris couldn’t be more different if they tried, except for their stubbornness, yet they yearn for the same thing: Their LEGO piece.

It’s not easy though when neither of them wants to admit their feelings to the other. In fact their hesitation was a rather funny depiction of how childish we can be when we like someone but don’t want the other to know for fear it is not reciprocated.

Adding another challenge is the fact that Chris has a public persona to think about. A persona that has him hiding who he truly is and leaves them both spiraling.

Yearning, desire, love, jealousy, and determination all come together and leave Chris holding the cards and where the ending takes you is beautiful yet heart wrenching at the same time. As you are left with a….well, what happened?

But fear not: Harper has a special website where you can go and find out what happens to Manny and Chris!

The men’s openness does lead to a little promiscuousness that some may consider “cheating” at one point, but in the context of where their relationship is at the time – it is not! And let’s remember: These two met driven by sex.

If I was to have any hesitation at all it would be that I was left needing just a tad bit more reference, meatiness if you will, in Manny’s dialect, affirming he was Latin and grew up in a tough New York neighborhood. As there interracial barriers were mentioned on a couple of occasions this would have kept that portion of their journey in my mind.

I have to say that I really enjoyed Complexity for the simple fact that it is a story of two GUYS. Like “guy guys”! From the moment they start “chatting” you can just feel the connection they are gonna have. And when they meet in person they each give as good as they get – verbally as well as physically. It is very rare and refreshing that you get male/male characters with a healthy, testosterone driven sexual desire that is conveyed with intensity on the page and I appreciate it. If you like the “guy vibe” in your gay romance I think you’re gonna like Complexity! For Harper Miller’s first trip out of the gate I believe she is off and running into the M/M genre.

A copy of Complexity was provided to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, by Harper Miller, in exchange for our fair and honest opinion.

Harper Miller is a thirty-something native New Yorker. She's traveled the world and lived in a variety of places but always finds her way back to the Big Apple. A lackluster love life leaves time to explore new interests, for Harper it is writing. The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance is her debut novel. In her mind, the perfect Alpha male possesses intellect, humor, and a kinky streak that rivals the size of California.

When she isn't writing, Harper utilizes her graduate degree in the field of medical research. She enjoys fitness-related activities, drinking copious amounts of wine and going on bad dates.

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