BANTER BUDDIES: A Dual View of Kora Knight's 'Revived'

Welcome to our first ever Banter Buddies feature and one we hope will have some longevity!
As the Banter continues to grow so does the chance that some of us might be interested in reading and offering our opinion on the same book. It is with this in mind that Banter Buddies was born. Dual reviews....but wait, there's more.
Of course it gives each of us the opportunity to offer you our opinion of a title but we also thought we might turn the dual affair into something fun for you. So should a couple of us decide to take on the same read we will not only offer our rating and recommendation....but a few interesting tidbits as well.
Small little personal insights we hope you not only will enjoy (and hopefully without us giving too much of the story away) but might also tempt you to want to pick up the book for yourself.
So without further ado....this week Toni and I bring you our thoughts on Kora Knight's Revived.
While you're here don't forget to click on the links below to read our review recommendations of Revived!

Title: Revived
Series: The Dungeon Black Duology Book 2
Author: Kora Knight
Cover Photography: Varian Krylov/Strangeland Photography
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer/Simply Defined Art
Published: December 30, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Erotic Romance; Contemporary Romance
Length: 550 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; BDSM; College; Tattoos/Piercings; Age Difference; Angst: High;
CW: Kink - Various “Non-Conventional” Toys, Edging, Bondage; CW: Gay Bashing

Photo Credit: Artist - Amy Taylor
About Revived
Love unearthed his heart from the cold, hard ground.
Now comes the fight to revive it.
Love. Just when Max Kelley thought he’d eradicated it from his life for good it snuck back in, in the form of his beautiful new sub, Sean. Something that Max is far from happy about. In fact, he fights it tooth and nail. Having his world decimated was hell on earth, an experience he’d go to any lengths to avoid repeating. Problem is, while his head is determined to protect his heart, his heart can’t stop thinking about Sean. Sean, his perfect sub, his perfect match, his perfect everything. Which makes him that much more of a threat. Were Max to claim him and then lose him, the devastation would be far greater than even Kevin’s death. So, in order to ensure his heart and soul stay intact, he must once again eradicate love from his life. Eradicate Sean from his world. But Sean is a scrapper, just like Max, and refuses to give up without a fight. In their final showdown of fiery passion and wills, whose heart will come out in one piece?

Favorite main character:
Toni: "Sean – his self-confidence in who he is and what he wants is admirable!"
Kimmers: "OMG, Max – Max, Max, Max! I thought I loved Tad, Jesus, Kora makes me desire Max. I’m a sucker for a tough guy with a wound."
Favorite secondary character:
Toni: "Without giving away anything, I would like to give Kai a huge hug – for being someone who has a superior awareness of others."
Kimmers: "I have to agree, Kai, God love him. Can’t wait for his book now!"
Favorite endearment:
Toni: "My favourite little slut! Of course!"
Kimmers: "Caitin – I swear every time Max said it I could hear him saying it with such feeling and meaning behind it."
Favorite scene:
Toni: "I retyped this about four times….it’s hard to choose! But I will say it involves a studio, butt plug and phone calls." *winks*
Kimmers: "LOL, there are soooo many good ones. For me, it’s meaningful. The scene with Kai. Good for you, Kai!"
Favorite quote:
Toni: "I don’t tend to remember quotes!"
Kimmers: "What?" *stares with mouth agape* "Silly girl!" *giggles* "Oh, this is my favorite! I’m the quote girl. LOL Seriously, I dump shit tons on Goodreads when I am done reading one of Kora’s books. It really is hard for me to pick just one as she always has great one liners and meaningful sentiments. I’m gonna cheat here and give you two since Toni didn’t give one." *winks* The reason Sean was always able to penetrate Max's walls was because he'd always been able to penetrate his darkness. Evidently, on some level they were one and the same, and Sean held the universal key.
“Those mean he's mine." Max let him go with a shove. "And I'm done fucking sharing. Sean, let's go.”
Best flashback or revisit of a scene from another perspective:
Toni: "I enjoyed getting clarity on the cause of the fight between Scott and Max – that was very enlightening from Max’s perspective."
Kimmers: "For me it would have to be the bar scene. There was so much going on there between Tad and Scott, Kai and Breck, then Max and Sean. This dishes it all out."
Best introduction of spin-off character(s):
Toni: "Jonah, Sean’s roommate. Although he was really introduced in Unearthed – I enjoyed his character development in Revived."
Kimmers: "Oh, me too! Please Kora, please girl, you better be making a book with him and Ledger!"
This book made me:
Toni: "Cry! And I don’t tend to get overly emotional when reading. The characters are so well defined that you can’t help but feel them deeply. Like they’re your friends… who you can visit in the pages of the Kindle whenever you like."
Kimmers: "I gotta be honest here and say it made me angry and sad all at the same time. Which isn’t all bad. If an author can touch your emotions like that they are doing something right!"
The type of reader I would recommend this book to?
Toni: "A kinky gay man?" *winks* "Someone who likes a little edge to their M/M reading and enjoys some kinky D/s play. Or anyone who enjoys good characters, a strong story line and all the feels!"
Kimmers: "Someone who likes angst….and lots of it! But with a meaningful story. Oh, and anyone who enjoys a good, long sex scene. Kora is the Queen of hot guy on guy sex!"

For purchase links, excerpts, about the author and more....
visit our review recommendation links, above.