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BLOG TOUR with EXCERPT, FUN AUTHOR FACTS and GIVEAWAY: 'Passion's Pride' by Piper Kay

Let the Sparks fly. “Sometimes we need to lose ourselves and become invisible to the outside world. It’s the only way I know to find me again and drown out all the negatives."

Title: Passion’s Pride

Series: The Passion Series Book 3

Author: Piper Kay

Published: May 12, 2017

Publisher: Encompass Ink

Genre: Contemporary Romance; Erotic Romance

Length: 231 Pages

Tags: Gay; M/M

About Passions' Pride

Ash and Serge, aka Sparky, have always felt a pull to each other, a special connection - a draw that not only tugs at the heart, but at the denims too. Afraid to act upon these feelings and risk ruining their friendship, they fight it until faced with a life-threatening situation. Not once, but twice. Can Ash and Sparky’s relationship withstand these battles they face while slowly crawling through the depths of hell for each other? Or will pride cause them to miss their one real chance at happiness?

Sparky’s POV from Passion’s Pride

Still straddling him around the waist, latched on to him like a tree frog on glass, he opens the front door, then kicks it closed behind us with the heel of his boot. Hottness!

“That was the bravest thing anyone has ever done for me, Serge.” The pupils in his eyes dilate, making them a sultry and seductive shade of brown.

“I was just showing off for you. See, chivalry isn’t dead.” I wind my arms around his neck.

“But you could have been killed and why? It wasn’t worth the risk.” Ash holds on tight to me.

“Put me down, right now.” I demand.

Ash releases me, and I stand there with my hand on my hip trying to decide how to address him on his remark. My foot echoes down the hallway, as I tap it against the entry way tiles.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” He cocks his head to the side. He’s so freaking adorable when he does that and it’s making it difficult for me to concentrate.

“Because of what you just said, Mister. I’m not sure whether to smack you across the face, withhold the goodies, or actually explain it so that you understand it clearly.” I’m trying so hard to keep a straight face.

“Withhold the goodies? I’d rather take the slap, to be honest.”

“Well, okay, I wasn’t really going to do either of those things, because that would be sort of like punishing myself, which I am totally not into, by the way, but it sounded really convincing, didn’t it?”

“Very much so.” Ash grins at me.

“Almost like I’d taken acting lessons or something. Buuuuut, back to the matter at hand, it was worth the risk. You’re worth the risk to me. I’ve waited for two long years hoping you’d actually kiss me one day, and wa-laa, you did. That’s worth a bullet to the skull any day of the week.” I point my finger to my temple like a gun.

“Do you ever take anything seriously? I mean it. Aaron is one crazy nutcrack, this could have ended way differently. And by the way, I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time too.” Ash crouches over, thrusting one shoulder forward, then the other and, stalks in closer to me.

“Wait! Hold the damn phone, you have?” Ash grins, then nods.

“Then what in the Sam Hill took you so long then?” This better be good.


Share 3 things you do before you start writing.

  1. Drink a pot of coffee.

  2. Smoke a cigarette because whatever direction the characters run me in for the day, I know a smoking cigarette is going to be needed before the day is out. It’s a wonder I don’t have cancer yet. Sometimes I need to light up a carton with these crazy boys and all their antics.

  3. Take a long deep breath, then just start typing.

Meet the Author

Piper Kay is your average cup of tea with a splash of southern sass. She was born & raised in Houston, Texas-USA and her skills include pitching a fit and throwing a hissy. She also happens to be an author....with a bi-polar muse...who may or may not have sarcastic tendencies....and/or a potty mouth. Together, they share head space with the men living in there... her boys with baditude.

Piper is an Amazon #1 International Best Selling author of LGBT Erotica, and an Amazon International Bestselling author of LGBT Erotica romance, specifically in the M/M Erotica genre, and LGBT drama. She has been known to genre hop a time or two into YA/NA stories, also M/M. Piper brings her passion of storytelling straight to the pages, most times served with a super-sized sprinkle of sexy, a slice of sarcasm and a carafe of crazy.

For more from Piper visit her website.

Three lucky winners will win:

✰ E-copies of The Passion series book 1 & 2, Piper Kay magnets and pen


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