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REVIEW: 'Taboo 5: Final Episode' by Kol Anderson

Title: Taboo 5: Final Episode

Series: Taboo #5

Author: Kol Anderson

Published: July 11, 2017

Publisher: Self-Published Genre: Dark Erotica

Length: 51 Pages

Tags: Gay; M/M; Novelette; HFN; CW: Taboo; CW: Violence-Explicit

About Taboo 5: Final Episode

Get a glimpse at Taboo 5 in the excerpt at: Amazon/KU


REVIEW: The final chapter in the fast paced, dark Taboo series by Kol Anderson, book 5 opens with Weldon visiting his father in the hospital. One of the few times we see the human side of this madman, Weldon offers half an attempt to appear the dutiful son. The dialog between the two emphasizes the chasm between the world Weldon has created for himself and the rest of mankind. It is during this visit Weldon puts two and two together and realizes Trey has been playing him false, and the rapid spiral downward that is Taboo 5: Final Episode begins.

The tables are finally turning on Weldon, and Trey has been busy working to ensure his employer’s downfall. As earlier attempts to outsmart or trick Weldon haven’t worked, a past victim advises Trey, “‘You don’t bring down The Devil. You rise up to him.’”

Trey realizes he has to raise his game, play dirty, and pull out all the stops.

As fantastic a character as Weldon is, Trey is the real star of this psych ward.

His crazy just never stops spinning. Truly a master at writing complex characters, Anderson has outdone himself with Trey. Layer upon layer of twisted behavior - when he’s not trying to fool others, Trey is trying to fool himself.

Wanting to paint himself as the victim or the hero, Trey thinks of excuses. It’s either “I have to do his bidding, Weldon is helping my sister”, or “It has to look like I’m one of them so they’ll let me keep seeing you”. Unfortunately for Jake, Trey is his best hope for rescue. Unfortunately for Trey, Jake didn’t want him from the opening scene in Book 1, and I doubt he truly wants Trey now.

Kol Anderson is terrific at painting a picture with words and the whole series is full of wonderful descriptions. As the characters face off on an abandoned high rise rooftop, with the wind swirling around them, Stoll has a gun trained on Colton as darkness falls. Both men are reaching the end of their ability to wait any longer, and in Colton’s words “‘Every few minutes a whisper would startle us both and Stoll would go on alert but none of the whispers of sound ever became more than silence.’”

The desperation is palpable and it’s down to the final moment to see which way this is going to play out.

My hat’s off to Kol Anderson with this one. The Taboo series has creative characters, tense drama, and gorgeous, spine tingling details. Waiting as each episode was released was it’s own form of torture, but lucky for you the series is now complete. Classic Anderson and you won’t be disappointed.

A copy of Taboo 5: Final Episode was provided to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, by Kol Anderson, at no cost and with no expectations in return. We offer our fair and honest opinion on behalf of our readers.



About Taboo: The Complete Series

Jake Ross never had it easy. He's learned to accept he won't have the life his friends have. With an abusive, alcoholic for a father and a younger brother far too good for this world, all Jake focuses on is keeping his kid brother safe.

But when their father goes one step too far and introduces Weldon to their lives, it sets off a series of events that will change all their lives.

Meet the Author

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”

― Oscar Wilde

I'm a writer. I'm not the guy who writes books in your head. I'm the guy who writes books in MY head. If you're into the fluffier side of life, you have my blessing but will you please take the next exit. For the rest of you depraved pervs, enjoy your stay ;)

I love to dream. And sometimes enjoy the concept of nightmares turning into fantasies, hence the dark subject matter of my books and the constant HEA approach. I do love the idea of love, and I have a passion for reading and movies and music and anything that keeps me distracted from the fact that life is pointless.

For more from Kol be sure and visit his website.

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