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HOT TOPIC: The GRL Experience, Part 1

Hey all you fans of gay romance! Have you heard? There is a little convention coming up. Well, actually a BIG convention. One that if you have been writing or reading LGBT romance for any amount of time you have probably heard about. No!? Well, let me tell you!

I was determined to attend as my wish is to be able to bring the experience to our readers and encourage you to try and make a future event.

From what everyone has told me it is a wonderful way to meet and socialize, not only with like-minded readers but, with your favorite authors themselves.

So what is GayRomLit, or what “those who are in the know” call GRL?

As the organizers put it: “GayRomLit is an annual retreat that brings together the people who create and celebrate LGBT romance for a one-of-a-kind, must-attend gathering of dynamic, informal, and diverse fun.” This includes readers, authors, publishers, and more! Organized by authors, sponsored by authors and publishers, for readers, you can’t go wrong.

The four day long extravaganza includes everything from meet and greats to book signings, author readings, author Q&A sessions, a storytellers session, and parties…this year it’s a Grease drive-in movie party, two late-night dance parties and a Somewhere Over the Rainbow costume party! There’s even a Friday night bingo session where all monies collected will be donated to PROMO.

You know what? I’m breathless just writing about it and I have so much to do to prepare myself to leave in t-minus 23 days. So as Part 1 in my feature about the experience of GRL let me allow some who have attended previously tell you what it’s like.

Calls attending GRL “A unique journey to finding my freedom.”

"I very shyly told my second husband that I had published a gay romance. Gritting my teeth, I waited. I waited for the yelling, the looks of disgust, and the nasty words saying how I’d embarrassed him or brought shame to the family. You see, that had all happened before with my first husband. Twelve years ago I wrote my first book, also a MM romance. I had it ready- just waiting to be sent to the publisher. Those were the days when you saved on hard drive or disc. My first husband found out, went into a rage and destroyed the disc and actually dismantled the computer. All those words, all that love and effort, gone in an instant of bigotry and hatred ***. That’s not the only reason he’s my ex but having him deny me my right to self-expression was a big part of that decision. So it was with shaking hands that I told my second husband what I’d done and I waited.

He looked at me and smiled. In that moment he accepted every bit of me. The absolute terror of publishing was made just a bit easier. He read the book! Yes, even liked it a little and that’s great because he doesn’t read fiction usually. My beloved spouse even told his family and friends I’d written a book. Now I have two and it’s going to be three by the time I arrive at my first GRL. Husband says keep going with the writing -oh the joy in my heart but he warns me I need to remember to eat.

Why is GRL so important to me? I never thought I’d be brave enough to publish, that anybody would actually read it or that I’d finally find someone that would support me. I’m nearly fifty. This has been one hell of a long road to finding my freedom to be just me. I don’t have to pretend. I don’t have to fit into a pretty pink ribbon tied box. I can write what I feel. I can enjoy my fans. Mostly I’m going to GRL because I decided to. Nobody can stop me."

*** No, sadly I did not rewrite that book. It broke my heart to pieces to lose it. The characters found their way back to me in other stories though, don’t worry. We are at peace now with what happened.

"Shamelessly fangirl(ed) [her] favorite authors."

"My first GRL was two years ago in Chicago and I had no idea what to expect. I went with two friends who gleefully took me under their wings and we had a ball. Not only were the events interesting and fun but I was shamelessly 'fangirling' my favorite authors. It was amazing how complete strangers would sit beside me and start chatting. I made friends in Chicago from around the globe that I still keep in touch with.

One of the evening events was a dance featuring hot half-naked (okay, mostly naked) cover models. My friends talked me into approaching one and slipping money into his tiny scrap of a swim suit. He leaned into me, grabbed my hand and rubbed it across his cut abdomen. Oh, my! He then told me that I could touch him as much as I wanted, he wouldn't bite...unless I wanted him to. OMG! From the pictures, my face flamed brighter and redder than the overhead flashing lights. I could have safety guided ships into harbor.

This year I am going to be on 'the other side of the table' as a Supporting Author and I think I am even more nervous than Chicago. Not only am I excited to meet readers and make more new friends, I am going to be in amazing company. So yes, I will be 'fangirling' again. Please, don't hesitate to come up to me and keep me from freaking out. Hugs are welcome and I will have awesome 'thank you's'. I'll even show you the hot cover model pictures from Chicago."

Jazzed to learn more? Then Stay tuned for Part 2 in my feature about the GRL experience where I will share more first-hand accounts.

Plus, be sure to watch Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter leading up to and during the actual event. I will be blogging about my every day experiences, rooming with Joseph Lance Tonlet (yes, our husbands know), what it's like to attend the event with a group who make this an annual meet-up - and whom I have developed friendships with, sharing photos, and of course - fangirling. You name it: I’m gonna share it all with you, our fans!

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