It's that time of year. Time to reminisce about all the books we read the previous 365 days at the Banter and give you a list of those we...

HOT TOPIC: Indie Author Day 2017
As libraries around the world celebrate the second annual Indie Author Day we here at the Banter thought it would be fun to join in and...

HOT TOPIC: National Coming Out Day Featured Reads with Giveaway - Part 2
Happy National Coming Out Day! This year marks the 29th anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights....

HOT TOPIC: National Coming Out Day Featured Reads with Giveaway - Part 1
Happy National Coming Out Day! This year marks the 29th anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights....

HOT TOPIC: National Book Lovers Day GIVEAWAY
It’s National Book Lovers Day and we here at the Banter decided to share a little of our “book loving selves” with you. Take a peek below...

HOT TOPIC: shiMMer is a Glimmer
WOW! I can’t even believe it's been 3 weeks already since I was in Birmingham, UK attending shiMMer. I sit here with so many fond...

HOT TOPIC: New Feature - Vintage Reads
If you’re like any one of us here at Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter we bet you have an endless To Be Read pile. So many in fact you can’t...

HOT TOPIC: The Trevor Project Benefit Bundles - THANK YOU
We did it! Thanks to all of your purchases, and author donations to the cause, we were able to donate $295.00 to The Trevor Project to...

HOT TOPIC with GIVEAWAY: International Transgender Day of Visibility
We at KEBB recently attended an author’s book release party in which we won $10 to Dreamspinner Press. As a book recommendation blog we...

HOT TOPIC: Come Share Your Reading Passion!
You like to read, right? Obviously or you wouldn’t be here. And assuming that you write reviews on Amazon and Goodreads what is stopping...

HOT TOPIC: Sneak Peek at KEBB Benefit Bundles
We’re almost there! As the “go-live” date looms for the Benefit Bundle packages coming to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter we give you another...

HOT TOPIC: Sneak Peek at KEBB Benefit Bundles
It’s time for another sneak peek at the Benefit Bundles coming up here at Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter. Our Benefit Bundles will be...

HOT TOPIC: Sneak Peek at KEBB Benefit Bundles
As many of you are aware Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter has partnered with several authors in an initiative to benefit The Trevor Project...

HOT TOPIC: KEBB Benefit Bundles
It’s been a while since we talked about the Benefit Bundles coming to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter. Not familiar with Benefit Bundles?...

HOT TOPIC and EVENT GIVEAWAY: UK Author Signing Event, shiMMer
Today Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter is excited to have the women of the United Kingdom M/M author signing event, shiMMer, join us to give...