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HOT TOPIC: shiMMer is a Glimmer

WOW! I can’t even believe it's been 3 weeks already since I was in Birmingham, UK attending shiMMer. I sit here with so many fond memories that I know will be with me for a lifetime! I always find it hard to put down my thoughts after one of these events. Granted, I’ve only been to one other (GRL last fall), but I had such high hopes of writing about that adventure upon my return and somehow I just couldn’t put into words what the experience was like. In fact I was so nervous I didn't even get any author photos! *pout*

And the two events couldn’t have been more different.

Obviously shiMMer was a little grander for me as I was in a totally different country and I was getting to meet so many wonderful people across the pond I never dreamed in a lifetime I would meet in person. But it was just a tad bit more than that.

shiMMer felt like FAMILY!

shiMMer 2017

I’d like to think the fact I kinda had a little wingman by my side had a little to do with that. Or that I was there to support him and not “representing” Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter. But I know it was a wee bit more.

Everyone involved with this author signing event had a hand in the environment, the culture and the atmosphere. From the authors down to the attendees/readers and especially the organizers themselves.

I must say as I looked out over the crowd on several occasions there were always tons of smiles, laughter, hugs, and a true sense of belonging, and pride. It was absolutely fantastic and refreshing! No one was a stranger and, in fact if you were when you entered the door, you were not when you left.

shiMMer 2017

If you ever get to attend an author signing event this is how it should feel!

shiMMer was fantastic for fans who got to mingle and rub elbows with (and of course get signatures from) the likes of Susan Mac Nicol, Brad Tanner, Louisa Mae, J.J. Harper, Helen Juliet, and so many more.

There was plenty of fun for attendees with a hilarious Q & A involving Max Vos and Sean Kerr…there might have been a little tequila involved. Oh, and a penis costume! Seriously: if you can get your hands on that video, do it.

Brad Tanner MC with Sean Kerr and Max Vos During Q & A

Jack L. Pyke, K.C. Wells and T.J. Masters provided some insight into writing and living the BDSM lifestyle with a BDSM panel that was absolutely fantastic.

Jack L. Pyke, K.C. Wells and T.J. Masters BDSM Panel

And the fabulous Mickey Taylor read a highly emotional passage from his self-penned novel, A Complicated Evolution.

Mickey Taylor During Reading

In all shiMMer had something for everyone and certainly made a lasting impression on me in many ways, including all the new friendships established while I was there.

Should any of you have missed shiMMer and wonder if there may be another in the future it does sound as if there may be an event headed our way in 2019. Who knows, maybe I can drag the hubs with me this time. (For more photos visit our Book Conventions page.)

As a fangirl, meeting the fabulous Jack L. Pyke took the cake. Talk about not being able to put something into words. I have so much admiration for this lady, not just as an author but as a woman, a mother, a wife, a sister, all around human being...and friend. And her sister, Sam, isn’t too shabby either!

Meeting Jack L. Pyke

Most of all, because we decided to make an adventure out of it, I take away memories of the journey Joseph Lance Tonlet and I traveled from Birmingham, to London, Southampton, and finishing in Paris. Each moment has a special notch carved right into my heart, especially standing where so many took their last walk of life when boarding the Titanic. I can never thank you enough, J!

“Go arooooound, go all the way around!”

With Joseph Lance Tonlet at the Tower Bridge

In closing I leave my lasting mark for how a writers words can touch your soul. Authors, never forget how much of an impact you can have with the words you pen. You wield a mighty sword.

One that took me all the way to Europe to meet you!

Joseph Lance Tonlet and Jack L. Pyke your boys will be with me forever, THANK YOU!

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