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AUDIO REVIEW: 'Thick & Thin' by Charlie Cochet

Title: Thick & Thin

Series: THIRDS #8

Author: Charlie Cochet

Published: February 1, 2017

Audio: May 15, 2017

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Cover Artist: L.C. Chase

Genre: Paranormal Romance; Sci-Fi Romance; Erotic Romance; Mystery/Thriller; Suspense; Urban Fantasy

Length: 95 Pages/3 Hours 20 Minutes

Tags: Gay; M/M; Law Enforcement; Shifter: Various; Novella; Audiobook

About Thick & Thin

In a matter of days, Dex has been kidnapped, tortured, killed, revived, become half Therian, offered the chance to become a spy, and accepted a proposal to marry his jaguar Therian boyfriend, Sloane Brodie. It’s been a lot to take in, and although Dex is still trying to wrap his head around everything that’s happened, he knows he has to move forward.

After the events of Smoke & Mirrors, Dex and Sloane find themselves in one of the most frightening situations of all: revealing the truth to their Destructive Delta family. When the dust settles, nothing will ever be the same, and it’s up to Dex to prove that in the face of change, the one thing that will always remain the same is family.


Thick & Thin is the eighth book in the THIRDS series by Charlie Cochet and this is a series which must be read in order. While Thick & Thin is a bit short for us die hard fans, it does explain a few things after the events of Smoke & Mirrors and sets the stage for the direction Cochet plans to send the boys.

As much as I loved physically reading this book when it came out, THIRDS is best experienced through the voice of Mark Westfield. He just makes these guys come to life!

Nobody can do these guys like Mark Westfield. The variety of the voices he uses to make each character unique is amazing. The relationships between the members of the THIRDS are complex and Westfield is able to express the love, support, rivalry, attraction, and the humor… just the unique friendships they have built over the years. So many layers and Westfield portrays them perfectly!

We’ve watched these guys grow as a family since Dex joined Destructive Delta and they’ve made it through some incredible trials. Between the strange things happening to Dex after Sloane ‘marks’ him, and their decision to join TIN, some explanations are necessary and Cochet takes this opportunity to do so. The team needs to come to grips with all the changes and frankly it was satisfying as a fan to get everything organized for the future of this series.

As with all the books in this series, there is a wonderful level of humor and good natured fun. These guys don’t take themselves too seriously and Cochet has the best time with that. I’m looking forward to seeing how the series is going to change with Dex and Sloane getting their own story with TIN, not to mention finding out what the heck is up with Tony and Sparks!

This is a super addictive series and one of my all time favorites.

Thick & Thin is a fun read, and an even better audiobook.

An audiobook of Thick & Thin was provided to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter, by Dreampsinner Press, at no cost and with no expectations in return. We offer our fair and honest opinion on behalf of our readers.

Meet the Author

Bringing you stories with heroes, humor, and heart.

Charlie Cochet is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of reach when following her passion. From adventurous agents and sexy shifters, to society gentlemen and hardboiled detectives, there’s bound to be plenty of mischief for her heroes to find themselves in, and plenty of romance, too!

Currently residing in Central Florida, Charlie is at the beck and call of a rascally Doxiepoo bent on world domination. When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found reading, drawing, or watching movies. She runs on coffee, thrives on music, and loves to hear from readers.

For more from Charlie be sure and visit her website.

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