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HOT TOPIC: The GRL Experience, Part 3

Only 7 Days to Go

As I write this I am stoked with anticipation knowing GRL is a meager seven days away. Saturday I pick Joseph Lance Tonlet up from the airport and by this time next week he and I will be hitting the Westin in Kansas City, meeting up with friends and starting four days of festivities.

I know I’m not the only one counting down the days. The excitement from authors and readers alike who are attending GayRomLit is palpable. Just take a look at this video from Hans Hirschi. Not only does he give you an idea of what happens at GRL but he shares what it takes for him to get there from overseas and what it means for him as an author to be able to reach out to his fans in person as well as spark an interest with new readers. Hint: at about 12:30 you can really see his enthusiasm.

As a reader I feel a similar giddiness when I think about the fact that I am about to attend a retreat where I will meet various authors whose books have shaped my everyday life since I hit the “post” button on Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter a scant 10 months ago. In fact I have been going through my backlog of reads for months now cross checking them against author attendees and amassing paperbacks to take with me for signature. To the tune of *cough* $200.00 smack a roos. Yes, us bloggers still pay for books.

A Small Sample of the Books I'm Taking to GRL

A Small Sample of the Books I'm Taking to GRL

But it’s not just that. As I embark upon my first GayRomLit event I am finding that even in my preparations to get there it is an overall “experience”. Everything from the thrill of registering to attend, to the amazement that Joseph asked me to share a room with him, down to shopping for clothes (that maybe won’t make me look so fat), to making sure my hair and nails are just right, and even designing t-shirts to take with me. Yes. It. Is. A. Big. Deal!

In fact just this week the organizers of GRL released the app. Yes peeps – there is an app! Really a guidebook. Everything from the daily (down to hourly) schedules of events, to maps telling you where to go: We’re talking author readings, author lounge’s, book signings, even story telling. So now my dilemma is figuring out how to be in two places at the same time. I know I’m gonna rock this cloning thing!

However as I sit here squirming in my seat with just days until a date that has been marked on my calendar, and consumed my thoughts for several months, is about to arrive, I feel almost forlorn. Because although I am certain I will be taking many fond memories away with me from GRL I will inevitably be leaving my friends, and new acquaintances alike, with no real plans to meet up again until next year.

I haven’t even been to GayRomLit yet and I can see the far reaching appeal. It isn’t just about the books, it isn’t just about the authors, it’s a celebration!

In the coming days Kimmers will be sharing everything from time spent with Joseph Lance Tonlet, travels to GRL, what the events are like, photos….and more!

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