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HOT TOPIC: NineStar Press' One Year Anniversary - AWESOME GIVEAWAYS!

It’s our first anniversary.

Thanks to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter for hosting our anniversary post today!


Find the Balloons!

Randomly placed on book pages, look for the balloons on our site. Find a balloon and get a free book of choice.

Once you find a balloon, send an email to Please include the color of the balloon, the title you want, and the format you prefer. One win per person per day. Does not include books not released yet.


Daily Snippet

Guess the book the snippet is from and you could win it. Five winners per day.


“They must have caught sight of us at full strength and run back to Plymouth.” The captain scowled. “And now we alone have been left to look for a ship that’s nothing more than a ghost. Damn those damned officials anyway, they wouldn’t know a threat if it bit them in the ass. So they destroyed a few supply ships and a barge or two. Carelessness is more to blame than any skill on their…” His voice trailed off as he caught sight of something through the glass. “Well, well. What have we here?”

“What is it, sir?” Géroux asked, squinting into the distance.

“That’s what I’m figuring out, man!” Captain Lapointe growled. He peered through the telescope, focusing his gaze on the closest shore. There, lying sideways against the rocks halfway out of the surf, was what looked to be a little ketch, obviously holed. A French flag rose from the single unbroken mast and quavered morosely in the breeze. He could see men as well, taking packages and crates from the wreckage of the craft and piling it on shore. One man stood out, better dressed than the others. He was waving his arms in the air, shouting something toward their ship—what, Captain Lapointe couldn’t tell from this distance. “Well, they’ve certainly seen us.”


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You will also be added to the drawing for a FREE year of books.

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