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HOT TOPIC: Day 8 - Blog-iversary 12 HoliDays of Romance Giveaways

It's day 8 in our 12 HoliDays of Romance Giveaways

celebrating Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banters 1 year anniversary!


Denise Dechene

Thank you to all who participated!

On the 8th Day of Giveaways

Our Authors Gave to The:








ONE eBook Copy of T.S. McKinney’s Touchdown

Can you believe we are in the last week of our giveaway celebration? You definitely want to stick around for the finally!

Remember, check back every day this week for another chance to WIN!

About Touchdown

Alexander Bryant has lived his entire life making everyone else happy. After meeting Lincoln, will he have the courage to finally do what makes him happy? Alexander – I like to imagine myself a rebel – an ass-kicker that takes what he wants regardless of what others think. I make my own path and flip off the people who don’t agree. I laugh in the face of conflict. Nobody tells me what to do.

In reality, everything about me is a lie – past, present, and future. The Bryant name requires certain things and all my decisions are based on those requirements. I like football, but the family name demands I love it. I want to be an artist, but the family name demands I be a lawyer. The family demands I fall in love with a nice girl, but I’m falling for, well, the opposite of nice AND girl. I’m a coward and a liar. Lincoln – I like to imagine myself a loner – a cold heartless bastard that takes what he wants. I lived the biggest part of my life with parents that were ashamed of me for more reasons than one could begin to count, so I trust no one. I have a low tolerance for bullshit and hate liars.

So why did I go and fall in love with the biggest liar of them all?

Be sure and grace T.S.’s author pages and thank her for her generous donation.

About the Author

T.S. McKinney lives in East Tennessee with her high school sweetheart/husband and all the countless dogs she picks up from deserted country roads. Her professional career has been in business but her heart has always belonged to the fantasy world found in books.

Creating wicked worlds where one can meet the perfect hero – and then do anything to him that you want – has been a hobby that has brought her plenty of hours of fun and naughty entertainment.

When not working, reading, or writing, she loves to spend time with my family and forcing them (because they don’t really have another choice) to allow me to redecorate their houses…and listen to my naughty…sometimes sadistic stories.

For other works by T.S. visit her Goodreads and Dark Hollows Press author pages....AND...

To learn more about her see Kimmers' Author Interview HERE!

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