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HOT TOPIC: Day 11 - Blog-iversary 12 HoliDays of Romance Giveaways

It's day 11 in our 12 HoliDays of Romance Giveaways

celebrating Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banters 1 year anniversary!



Thank you to all who participated!

On the 11th Day of Giveaways

Our Authors Gave to The:











ONE eBook Copy of R. Phoenix’s Gifts OR A Choice from Her Backlist

Remember, check back tomorrow for our big FINALE! You could win our final bundle package OR a grab bag full of goodies.

About Gifts – A Supernatural Dystopian M/M/F Novella

Before Imriel Conti was condemned to a life of slavery, the sheltered young witch had never been with anyone. Now that he is in the hands of a sensual and controversial power couple at the pinnacle of supernatural society -- manipulative vampire Callia Odessa and her lover, powerful witch Draven Foss -- all of that is about to change. Coveting him for his accursed but prized gift, they take him into their household, where he finds his morals and innocence equally compromised.

Be sure and grace R. Phoenix’s author pages and thank her for her generous donation.

About the Author

R. Phoenix has an unhealthy fascination with contrasts: light and dark, heroes and villains, order and chaos. She believes that love can corrupt and power can redeem. Her muse is a sadomasochistic slavedriver who thinks it’s terribly amusing to give her the best ideas when she just got comfortable and warm in bed, and she passes on that torture to her readers.

If she had it her way, she would describe the books in her “Ripples in the Status Quo” world as: “Supernatural creatures take over the world and turn humans into pets and food. There’s some sex between guys. And… um… fucked up things happen.” It’s probably a good thing she has people around her to remind her that she actually wants people to read her books. (They should really be more diligent, especially when they know she’s writing her author bio.)

She’s an author, stay-at-home mother, housewife, second time college student, and duck herder extraordinaire. She’s learning how to cook without burning the house down, her garden is somehow neither drowning nor drying up, and one day she might remember what that mythical thing called “free time” is. She’s starting to wonder who thought it was a good idea to write bios in third person.

She also tries entirely too hard to be funny, and she mercilessly inflicts her terrible sense of humor upon anyone who speaks to her. Really, it’s not you. It’s her. All the same, she’d love it if you’d say hello, because it makes her day to hear that someone read something she wrote. If they enjoyed it, there’s usually an awkward happy dance and embarrassing sounds of joy to accompany it (no, not that kind of sound, you perv). If all of that hasn’t scared you away, please say hello!

For other works by R. Phoenix be sure and visit her website.

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