BANTER BUDDIES: A Dual View of Bey Deckard's 'Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus'

It’s never too early to start thinking about the holidays, and what better way to get in the mood than by checking in with our favorite kinky pirates to see how they do it!
Tracy and I had a lot of fun listening to Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus, narrated by Michael Ferraiuolo…and it sure gave me some inspiring ideas for my holiday shopping list *wink*.
Happy Reading,

Title: Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus
Series: Baal’s Heart 3.5
Author: Bey Deckard
Narrator: Michael Ferraiuolo/Iron Works Studios
Published: December 22, 2015
Audio: August 14, 2017
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Historical Romance; Dark Erotic Romance; Adventure Romance; Historical Fantasy
Length: 1 Hour 24 Minutes/53 Pages
Tags: Gay; M/M; Menage; M/M/M; BDSM; D/s; Established Couple(s); Pirates; Holiday: Christmas; HFN; Audiobook; Novella; Kink: Chastity Cage, Orgasm Denial; CW: Off-Page Past Abuse
About Careened: Winter Solstice in Madierus
A Baal's Heart short, following the events in Fated: Blood and Redemption.
Plagued by terrible dreams, Jon begins to distance himself from Baltsaros and Tom. Perhaps a little holiday cheer is just the thing to help the three of them find common ground again.
***SPOILER NOTICE: Tracy and I do not feel that our descriptions are going to spoil any of the enjoyment of this series for you. If you are following the Baal's Heart series you know these men. But, please, judge for yourself before moving on.***
Favorite main character:
Trio: Oh hell, I'm still loving Tom - he’s...Tom! Tracy: Yep, it’s always been Tom for me.
Favorite secondary character:
Trio: Kat is fantastic in this story! She’s facing a whole host of emotions over becoming a parent for the first time, and her relationship with a pregnant Maya is showing the strain.
Tracy: I’d have to agree with Trio and say Kat. Kat and Maya play a bigger role in Careened and they really are a great addition to the story. Kat and Jon have a special bond and I’ve loved watching them both grow into stronger people.
Favorite endearment: Trio: Well of course, "Little Tom" - what else could it be! Tracy: “Lovey” or “Ducky”, Tom’s endearments to Jon.
Favorite scene:
Tracy: Finally an easy one. I love the scene where the men exchange presents! If you're a fan, you're gonna love it too.
Favorite quote:
Trio: I have to say when Jon confesses his devastation at being raped and asks Tom how he can live with his past abuse. He tells Tom, “‘You’re a stronger man that I am,’” and Tom answers him, “‘Is it stronger to face it or stronger to bury it?’”
Tracy: I don’t really have a quote but my heart really melted when the Captain presents Jon with his gift and describes what’s in the box.
Best flashback or revisit of a scene from another perspective:
Trio: Ahhhh....the flashback scenes the characters have of their past Yule celebrations are wonderful, but my favorite remembered scene is between Jon and Tom. They are remembering their first real kiss and Jon says it was the first time in his life he really took control of a situation. He tells Tom, “‘Kissing you, you gorgeous bloody scoundrel, that was me choosing my fate.’”
Tracy: I also enjoyed the men reminiscing about their own personal memories of past holiday seasons.
Best introduction of spin-off character(s):
Trio: I’d love Maya and Kat’s story. Like a year in the life at the Grog Blossom, preferably the story of how Maya gets pregnant and how she tells Kat.
Tracy: I agree with Trio here. A story of how Kat and Maya came together, maybe even going further into their own pasts before they met each other. That would be interesting.
This book made me:
Trio: Wish for many more stories of the Baal’s Heart crew.
Tracy: Only want more high seas adventures from my favorite triad.
What type of reader would you recommend this book to?
Trio: Careened is a must read for fans of this series. It’s always great to see my favorite characters interacting on a daily basis.
Tracy: A fan of romance, exotic adventures and amazing story-telling!!
For purchase links, excerpt, meet the author, and more...visit our review recommendation links above.