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HOT TOPIC: The GRL Experience, Part 2


This being my first GayRomLit convention my eyes are wide open to absorb every bit of what it is.

As we quickly approach the start I can tell you the thrill of anticipation is palpable.

That excitement began way back in March from the first day of registration and into the next week as I registered my hotel room with my "bunk buddy', but it has morphed into so much more. In an online social group for registered members authors and readers alike are counting down the days. Yep, me too: Only. 16. More.

But it is more than the event itself they are excited for. The conversations have changed. The ebb and flow has altered. You can tell that people are looking forwarding to getting reacquainted with friends they only get to see this one time of year or meeting friends in person that they have thus far only interacted with online. Authors as well as readers can’t wait to meet each other to thank them in kind for all they have done, supporting their work and giving them a beautiful reading experience.

Even those who have never attended GRL are opening up: Introducing themselves and what they are looking forward too. Asking to share a room or even a car journey to the destination – with a complete stranger. Veterans are giving advice; everything on what not to forget to pack to not being afraid to approach an author as they are probably just as scared as you are. There’s all kinds of talk about music playlists for dance nights, costumes being made for the big extravaganza and of course pre-orders for those coveted books readers can’t wait to have their favorite author sign. There are even individuals sharing that they are coming out.

That people are this open should tell you what being part of GRL means!

Yep, before it even truly begins this camaraderie is showing me that GRL is more than authors and readers meeting one another, getting a little kudos in exchange.

This retreat is an entire EXPERIENCE. One to be treasured for its uniqueness. Its ability to bring people from all walks of life together to celebrate a common fondness.

Which is not just books!

Books are the catalyst by which GRL will creep into your soul, open up your heart and show you that together we are better. There is still empathy, compassion and value in friendship; no matter how that friendship began.

I for one am looking forward to sharing this time and experience with my friend, Joseph Lance Tonlet, meeting my new found friends in person and forging new bonds that will hopefully last a lifetime. But above all: Filling my heart with joy!

And I believe that is what GRL Featured Author SJD Peterson is trying to convey as she tells of her previous experiences and offers a little advice to those who may be attending or even those thinking of attending in the future.

Love. Is. Love!

Jo and Scotty Cade enjoying past GRL.

"This year I’ll be attending GRL for the 5th time. I was new on the scene during the very first one that took place in New Orleans. Looking back, I wish I wouldn’t have been so hesitant to attend. It didn’t matter if I was new, didn’t matter that I didn’t know anyone because I’ve learned, GRL is a wonderful get together where new friendships are forged and old ones solidified.

For those who are considering attending their first GRL, my advice to you is; DO IT! My second bit of advice; most authors are introverts and are probably more nervous than you are. Trust me; you will make their day by coming up and saying hi. One last bit of advice; have fun. Talk to people, wave, smile, get involved, and I assure you, you’ll have an amazing time."

Did you miss Part 1 of Kimmers' The GRL Experience? Read it HERE

Jazzed for more about GRL?

Be sure to watch Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter leading up to and during the actual event. I will be blogging about my every day experiences, rooming with Joseph Lance Tonlet (yes, our husbands know), what it's like to attend the event with a group who make this an annual meet-up - and whom I have developed friendships with - sharing photos, and of course, fangirling. You name it: I’m gonna share it all with you, our fans!

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